Jose E. Serrano

Jose E. Serrano


Congressman representing the South Bronx, New York.

Bronx NY-Wash.DC ·

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  1. Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor from the , will administer the oath to VP Joe . We are so proud of her.

  2. As I watch President take the oath, today, I will also celebrate the legacy of Dr. King.

  3. The sky is sunny. Large crowds gathering at the national mall. The excitement is high. Today, once again, we celebrate our democracy.

  4. Estare en hoy a las 7pm por . Hablaremos de la propuesta del Presidente Obama sobre las armas de fuego.

  5. Tonight the House of Representatives finally approved the Sandy Aid bill. I spoke on behalf of the bill and against bad amendments.

  6. Republicans use the Sandy Aid bill to attack funding for Legal Aid, which has been helping victims of the storm. This is wrong.


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