Puerto Rico Status

Updated last Wednesday
Over 100 people travelled from Puerto Rico to ask the congress to respond to the results of the November 6th referendum in which Puerto Ricans asked for a change in their current relationship with the United States. The group included individuals who support independence, others who support making Puerto Rico the 51st state and a third group that supports Puerto Rico reaching a Sovereign status in a relationship with the United States. Their message was simple and one that I support: That Puerto Rico voted to change their current status and that congress has to act on this request. Puerto Rico has been an American territory for 114 years. Everyone born in Puerto Rico is an American citizen but they don’t enjoy the same rights that Americans who live in the 50 states enjoy. They also do not enjoy the rights of an independent nation. They participate in all areas of American society including serving in our armed forces during times of peace and during times of war. After all of these years as an American colony Puerto Ricans deserve to have the congress act on their request for a change in their relationship with our country ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Desde Puerto Rico viajaron mas de 100 activistas para reclamar al congreso que tome accion y responda a los resultados de la consulta de status del 6 de Noviembre. Como nunca antes, el grupo estaba integrado por personas que respaldan la Independencia, otros la Estadidad y otros la Soberania. El mensaje fue simple y uno que yo siempre he respaldado: Que Puerto Rico voto a favor de cambiar el status actual y el congreso tiene que responder a ese reclamo. Despues de mas de un siglo como colonia de los EEUU, el congreso debe de responder y cambiar el status actual como lo ha pedido el pueblo.

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