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Hensarling Statement in Response to President Obama’s Actions on Gun Control

WASHINGTON— U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement on President Obama’s planned action on gun control.

“My thoughts and prayers remain with the victims of the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT. As a father, I can think of no greater tragedy than kissing my kids goodbye as they go off to school and never seeing them again.
“I believe the Newtown tragedy provides us the opportunity, as a nation, to have an honest and frank discussion on a number of issues including mental health, the entertainment industry, our existing gun laws and how we best protect our children. While the President has a right to voice his opinion and he has the right to sign or veto legislation sent to him by Congress, I believe these issues should be discussed, debated, and acted upon in the proper legislative process and must respect the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers.  I will not support any measure that is offensive to the Constitution and violates the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”