U.S. Congressman Mike Ross | E-Newsletter
November 12, 2012 | Visit My Website | Forward to a Friend | Share on Facebook Twitter
U.S. Congressman Mike Ross
Dear Friends:

As we continue to recognize Veteran’s Day today, we must remember to honor and thank those who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.  Across the state of Arkansas, we have over 250,000 veterans and we couldn’t be more proud of them.  While we should support and thank our veterans every day of the year, Veterans Day gives us the opportunity to unite and rally as a country in support of those who put their lives on the line to defend the freedoms we all enjoy today.

Since entering Congress, I have made veterans and their families a focus of my work in our nation’s capital.  Our troops and veterans serve our country with distinction and I believe it is our duty to honor them and make sure they have the services they need to succeed.

Throughout my time in Congress, I have worked to help pass many pieces of legislation that have put our troops and veterans first.  I helped pass the largest investment in veterans’ health care funding in the history of the VA, worked to modernize the GI Bill for the first time in over 20 years, provided over 10,200 new claims processors to reduce VA case backlogs, 18,000 new doctors and nurses, 145 new community-based vet outpatient clinics, and 92 new vet centers.

We owe our freedoms and way of life to our veterans and we must always recognize and thank them for their service.   Here in Arkansas, we have a unique opportunity to honor our veterans and experience history by visiting the USS Razorback (SS-394), a renowned submarine of World War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War currently in port at the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum in North Little Rock.

In addition to the USS Razorback, the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum has embarked on a campaign to transport the USS Hoga from its current location in California to final port on the banks of the Arkansas River. The USS Hoga is a tugboat that served in the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii area throughout World War II and is historically famous for her actions during the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941. The USS Hoga was involved in the firefighting and rescue efforts that saved many lives. She was instrumental in saving the battleship USS Nevada from sinking and spent over 72 hours fighting fires on the battleships USS Maryland, USS Tennessee, and USS Arizona.

For her heroic efforts, the USS Hoga, her commanding officer, and its crew, were awarded commendation from Admiral Chester A. Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet. Because of her actions during the attack on Pearl Harbor, National Landmark Status was awarded to the USS Hoga on June 30, 1989. The Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum wants to bring this piece of American history to Arkansas to join the USS Razorback submarine.

Bringing the USS Hoga to Arkansas will open doors to help educate and document American and World history and honor our nation’s veterans. The addition of the USS Hoga to the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum will enable residents and visitors to personally tour a National wartime vessel and provide an opportunity to better understand historic events from World War II.

On Veteran’s Day and every day, let us honor the service of our veterans with actions that fulfill our commitment to our troops, our veterans, and their families.  No soldier or veteran should ever be left behind by his or her government.  To learn more about the USS Hoga, the USS Razorback, and the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum visit www.SavetheHoga.com or call the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum, at 501-371-8320. 


Mike Ross


November 8, 2012 - Mike speaks at the McGehee Chamber of Commerce Banquet about the issues facing Congress.



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  • Yes   82%     
  • No    18%


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