
We Can Protect Our Children and Our Constitution
Posted by on January 15, 2013

It is hard to imagine anything more horrific than the December shooting that took place in Newtown, Connecticut. By the end of that fateful day, we learned that 20 first-graders and six educators had been shot and killed by a deranged gunman. As a nation, we came together to pray and offer our deepest condolences to those who had lost a loved one. In the days and weeks following Sandy Hook, my office received numerous calls and letters from residents in Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District. It was touching to read and listen to these heartfelt expressions of sympathy.

Many of the individuals who contacted my office were concerned parents who wanted to know what we could do to ensure something like this never happens again. As a parent with three school aged children of my own, I share their concerns. Our children are our greatest treasure and should be treated as such.

But while the overwhelming majority of parents I have spoken with recognize the need to enact sensible measures to protect our children, they are deeply concerned that this administration is using the tragedy at Sandy Hook as way to limit their Second Amendment rights.

It is not surprising that the issue of gun control has grabbed headlines, especially after President Obama tasked Vice President Joe Biden to lead a taskforce with the goal of developing a package of proposals to curb gun violence.

Unfortunately, so far it seems that the administration is more focused on attacking our Second Amendment rights than truly addressing the underlying causes of gun violence. In fact, the president has stated on numerous occasions that he has no problem bypassing Congress through the use of executive orders to achieve his gun control objectives.

Lawful gun owners in my district have good reason for concern. This administration has a long track record of circumventing the Congress. The president bypassed the Senate confirmation process in appointing his “czars,” allowed the IRS to re-write portions of ObamaCare, unilaterally changed federal immigration policy and instructed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act. The list goes on.

If the White House feels it must resort to the use of an executive order, it would signal that the president knows that his policies cannot pass Congress. Therefore, his actions would be in clear defiance of the will of the American people and our democratic process.

If the president seeks to violate our constitution and degrade our Second Amendment rights, I stand ready to look at any and all available legislative and legal options to protect and maintain our separation of powers. I sincerely hope that the president will abandon this autocratic approach though and instead engage in a meaningful conversation. 

I am a proud supporter of our Second Amendment and believe strongly in our right to bear arms. But I am also a parent and want to ensure that our children are kept safe. I, along with the vast majority of my constituents, do not believe these views to be mutually exclusive of one another.

I am reminded of a statement made by former Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia that, “It's not a gun control problem; it's a cultural control problem.” There are in fact real issues that Congress should address to ensure our children are protected, but infringing on our Second Amendment rights will not prevent troubled people from committing terrible acts.

We can and must do a better job of ensuring those with mental health issues are identified and receive the support and counseling they need. That starts with making our mental health system more efficient and responsive. We can decide as a nation that we no longer want to promote a culture of violence and work with the key stakeholders to ensure our children are not being bombarded with violent imagery. Finally, we can do a better job of simply enforcing the laws that are already in existence.  

President Obama stated that Sandy Hook was the worst day of his presidency. I believe him. But that is not an excuse for the president to use executive orders to push through controversial gun control measures that run counter to the wishes of the majority of the American people.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Joseph Szyszkowski commented on 1/15/2013
    I commend you for standing with the 2nd amendment.
  • Leonard Powers commented on 1/15/2013
    We have so many laws now thar are not being enforced. More regulations just make it harder on the Law Abiding Citizens..The unlawful don't care what the law says!
  • Deborah Emser commented on 1/15/2013
    Thank You for your common sense stand. However to assure law abiding firearm owners are not punished by the leftist agenda, PLEASE include in any gun legislation to prohibit the use of public information to be used in CREDIT REPORTS by the 3 bureaus that could be used to descriminate against people for home purchase and rentals AND could be used by insurance companies to increase costs or cut off insurance to homeowners if they have a legal firearm.This use of information could cause more damage then assumed. THANK YOU Deb Emser Wartrace,TN TN04
  • Robert DeSherlia commented on 1/15/2013
    I agree 100% Obama I think needs to be impeached
  • Joel Steinbach commented on 1/15/2013
    I do agree with you 200%, The worst day for America is when Mr Obama was elected for the first time. I am a Senior Citizen that has paid into social security for over 50 years, now I pay 46% of my annual incom for health care, I would like to thank Mr. Obama for this
  • Beatrice Henry commented on 1/15/2013
    if the laws on the books were enforced, then we would not need a lot of new laws and regulations..Mental Health needs to be dealt with and if people would quit supporting the violent movies and games, that would stop brainwashing our children..thank you for all you do and I enjoy the Town Hall meeting on the phone..
  • Rowland Bussler commented on 1/15/2013
    Where do I begin? It seems our Govt spends millions to tackle a $1K problem. Gun Control advocates claiming that 2nd Amendment is for Hunters have no idea what the Bill of Rights stands for. The Culture of Washington DC has got to change and it has to happen quickly. I recently saw Sen Chuck Schummer speak in ref. to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill and he was upset that Republicans were holding it up because of all the added unrelated amendments. He said and I quote, "We have a tradition here in the Senate and in the Congress . . . " Well to Sen. Schummer I say that is exactly the Paradigm that needs to be broken in order for Washington to become functional. We send Billions if not Trillions of $$$ to countries that hate us. That money should be used to take care of our own people, above ALL OTHERS. Proper health care for the Mentally Ill, jobs for the Un-employed not more free money to sit on their asses and better pay and benefits to or Military members, Retirees and Disables Vets. It sickens me every time I see Trace Atkins come on the TV asking the people of this great Nation for a Handout to help Wounded Warriors. Soldiers. Sailors, Airman and Marines sent into Harms Way by the US Govt. . . . a Govt that does not provide for their needs after they have served their country with Honor. Most people that say they support the 2nd Amendment, have most likely never read the Bill of Rights nor do they understand that the 2nd and 3rd amendments go hand in hand with one another. Thus, it would eliminate those knuckleheads, claiming that Hunters do not need this or that, from having any legitimate argument whatsoever. We do know that the VEEP meetings with the NRA, Hollywood Execs, etc, was nothing more than a dog and pony show. Much the same as the Obama led meetings with Republicans where he asked for their inputs on the Health Care Legislation. The plan was formulated and being drafted before the meetings took place. The Lawyers were thoroughly combing through the details getting the documents ready for signature. So now we wait . . . . then we debate. Good luck Scott DesJarlais. It's going to be a tough fight.
  • Mark Ford commented on 1/15/2013
    Scott, You and I both know that this is all about power and disarming the American public. Thank you in advance for your efforts and please take a stand for us as we defend our Constitutional rights as a citizen of the USA. I don't know how we can deal with the corrupt people we have in our government , but they must learn we do still have rights as hard working honest Americans !! We will always have evil people who do evil things but this must be met with resistence as in people with concealed carry permits and fewer gun free zones. These cowards do not want resistence and this is the reason they choose to carry out their evil acts in gun free zones. No matter what takes place though, God is always in command and always will be. We must always keep that thought !! Thanks, Mark
  • Randolph Miller commented on 1/15/2013
    Pres. Obama has already broken so many of our laws, it is hard to understand why Congress hasn't began an investigation leading to impeachment hearings. I realize that without the Senate, he would only be impeached but not removed from office, just like Bill Clinton. But the law still demands impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors committed against our country. Trying to nullify our Constitution I think would fall under the heading of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Also, why hasn't Obamacare been struck down along with the rule changes made by the IRS? These are entirely unlawful and we should not have to obey them. Please keep protecting us Congressman. I thank you for your Patriotism and your courage under fire.
  • Philip Geissler commented on 1/15/2013
    Thank you Congresman for your support of the Second Amendment! I stand with you!
  • Allen Bassett commented on 1/15/2013
    Keep supporting our Constitution which includes our 2nd Amendment rights. We have compromised enough.
  • Harold Smith commented on 1/15/2013
    Being a legal gun owner insures I am the first on the scene to protect my family from a threat. Mr. Obama needs to realize we the common citizens of the United States do not have the access to protection as he does. I am the first line of defense for my wife and children and I am NOT willing to give that up!
  • Bill Davenport commented on 1/16/2013
    Please continuing fight for our Second Amendment rights..Gun Ban not the answer.
  • Frances Wooden commented on 1/16/2013
    I agree one hundred percent. Do what is necessary. Thank You. Personally, I think it's time to march to the Capital.
  • tony gentry commented on 1/17/2013
    Thank you & I hope you continue to stand up for our Second Amendment right
  • David Brazier commented on 1/17/2013
    I agree also congressman,and with most the bloggers! I pray that you will stand and vote no on H R 142 when it comes to vote!! Online ammo sales should not be outlawed!!
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