Library of Congress

Library of Congress


We are the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in our collections.

Washington, DC ·

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Civil War Cartography, Then and Now: During the Civil War, cartographers invented new techniques to map the coun...

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus: I remember the moment I found out that jolly old St. Nick was more an ide...

The Sensei from Sioux City: Today marks 19 years since the passing of one of the world’s great management thinke...

Trending: The End of the World: (The Maya calendar has generated a lot of buzz about the impending end of the wo...

Inquiring Minds: Scholar Manuel Castells on Social Movements: The following is a guest post by Jason Steinhauer,...

25 Added to National Film Registry: The Librarian of Congress James H. Billington today named 25 motion pictures...

Apply for 2013 Junior Fellows Internships: This summer the Library of Congress once again is offering special 10...

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