Rep. Bob Gibbs

Rep. Bob Gibbs


R-OH; Chairman, T&I Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment; Agriculture Comm;

US Congress ·

  1. Before long-term debt limit increase Sen. must pass budget for first time in 4 years-- the most basic responsibility of gov't

  2. I’ll be on Ron Ponder at 11:45 today to talk about the ‘fiscal cliff’ and the start of the 113th Congress!

  3. It's an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Ohio’s 7th District as their Representative to the United States Congress.

  4. I voted against bill bc it adds $4trill to deficit & $330 bill in new spending. It doesn't fix the problem

  5. CBO found the Senate bill to negate the adds $4 trillion to the deficit and $330 billion in new spending. Thoughts?

  6. Thoughts on the bill passed by the Senate last night that would negate the ? Good or bad? Why?

  7. Power grab: More regulatory overreach. "EPA likely the most out-of-control fed agency" -Bluefield Daily-Telegraph

  8. Tonight, the House will observe a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and their families.

  9. Thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families and victims affected by the shooting

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