Rep. Bob Gibbs

Rep. Bob Gibbs


R-OH; Chairman, T&I Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment; Agriculture Comm;

US Congress ·

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

  1. Before long-term debt limit increase Sen. must pass budget for first time in 4 years-- the most basic responsibility of gov't

  2. I’ll be on Ron Ponder at 11:45 today to talk about the ‘fiscal cliff’ and the start of the 113th Congress!

  3. It's an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Ohio’s 7th District as their Representative to the United States Congress.

  4. CBO found the Senate bill to negate the adds $4 trillion to the deficit and $330 billion in new spending. Thoughts?

  5. Thoughts on the bill passed by the Senate last night that would negate the ? Good or bad? Why?

  6. Power grab: More regulatory overreach. "EPA likely the most out-of-control fed agency" -Bluefield Daily-Telegraph

  7. Tonight, the House will observe a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and their families.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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