
Feinstein on guns: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in'

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Published on Dec 31, 2012

OBAMA TO GO FOR GUNS... [http://is.gd/qrhAzd]
Dem Sen: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in'... [http://is.gd/UgenYc]

From SFGate's Chris Cox [http://is.gd/7sw3w6]: The debate is not really about so-called "assault weapons." It's about banning guns. ... In the words of the radical Violence Policy Center: "The public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons -- anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun -- can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons." Machine guns were, of course, effectively banned in 1934.

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  • jmar1371


    One of her first official acts as mayor of SF was to attempt to ban handguns, but she failed to turn in her 357 magnum. In my book, that spells HYPOCRITE.

    We need to recall Dianne Feinstein. Get her out of the senate.

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  • Senkino5o

    i will require my son to shoot 2 100 round drum magazines of .22 at a feinstein poster every day of the week

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  • ThePhilapplication

    What a fucking cunt


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  • hailfire82997

    What the fuck does it matter


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    in reply to Bill Weber (Show the comment)
  • LousyGrouch

    Go and suck Obama's dick, and leave the people be, you old socialist Cunt !


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  • MrThundaro

    Does she not know or not care that in order to ban firearms entirely she would have to AMEND the Constitution? The 2nd would HAVE to be repealed... That can only be done (legally) via an amendment. They cannot pass a law or act to do it. Also in order to do that she would need OVERWHELMING state support as that has to be ratified by the states. So which is it Ignorance or Arrogance?


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  • nuclearghost77

    Shut the fuck up CUNT.


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  • cornas47

    Let's make it a "gun free zone" around all the all politicians including their guards. Then let's advertise it. 


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  • Bill Weber

    what was the average number of bullets that each of the 20 children were hit with?


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  • mjwpowerstroke

    cant stand that 80 yr old bitter battle axe!!! its bout time her 3rd or 4th husband throws her into a nursing home.

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  • thegr8pulido

    If my family wanted to live in a nation where only the police and criminals have guns, we would have stayed in damn Mexico!

    It's fucking savagery over there! That's exactly what she wants! She wants to make us victims from all angles, make us dependent on the government, and then build the greatest empire on Earth by the blood of our children!

    Bitch needs to drop dead already!

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