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Let's Do the Right Thing for Our Children

Posted: 01/16/2013 1:57 pm

"When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us, we must act now," said President Barack Obama this afternoon, as he signed 23 executive orders and urged Congress to act quickly to curb gun violence. Mark was at the White House event on behalf of Save the Children.

Save the Children has not been involved in the gun control issue in the past -- our work has focused on providing education, health and emergency relief services to children and families living in poverty in the United States and around the world -- but in the aftermath of Newtown, we are taking action. And when it comes to the safety of our children, there should be no comprise or half steps.

The President's proposal includes:

- Universal background checks for anyone purchasing a gun;
- A ban on assault weapons and a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines; and
- Tougher sanctions on people who knowingly sell guns to criminals.

We agree wholeheartedly with these common-sense solutions. We also support efforts to expand mental health services, particularly for young people. But these are just the first steps.

This is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach in order to ensure the safety and well-being of all children. We must address the violence plaguing our society, the poverty crisis that is affecting 16 million children, and the obesity epidemic that is affecting 12.5 million. That's why we are joining forces with the Children's Health Fund, Every Child Matters, First Focus, Harlem Children's Zone, and Share Our Strength to call on the President and Congress to establish a new National Commission on Children.

The first National Commission on Children was formed by President Reagan and Congress in 1987 to "serve as a forum on behalf of the children of the Nation." The Commission was charged with assessing the status of children and families and outlining new directions for policy and programs. The Commission released its final report in 1991. Entitled, "Beyond Rhetoric: A New Agenda for America's Children and Families," the report led to the enactment of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit and the creation of the Children's Health Insurance Program, among other important initiatives.

More than two decades later, it is well past time for a new commission to take stock of the challenges facing the modern American child. Kids are growing up in a different world, so it's time for new and bold ideas. We can do more to make our children safe from violence at home and in school. We can improve kids' health, especially those living in poverty. We can do more to help them succeed in school and achieve their full potential.

This new Commission should be tasked with creating a national policy on children, setting goals for reducing childhood poverty, obesity, illiteracy and violence, as well as the risks posed by natural disasters.

Everyone in Washington, D.C. seems to be talking about the debt and cutting government services. Undoubtedly, some will say that a price tag of $1-2 million a year for a two-year Commission is too high. But we have noticed that our political leaders often say that our children are our most important resource.

It's time for them to put our dollars where their mouths are.

Join us in doing the right thing for our children. Sign our petition today.


Follow Mark Shriver on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Mark_Shriver

"When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us, we must act now," said President Barack Obama this afternoon, as he signed 23 executive orders and urged Congress to act quickly to curb gun ...
"When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us, we must act now," said President Barack Obama this afternoon, as he signed 23 executive orders and urged Congress to act quickly to curb gun ...
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Recency  | 
7 hours ago ( 7:51 AM)
As a parent, we do almost everything to guard our children from getting hurt and to supply them with all the skills they should need to be wholesome, thriving grownups. The problem is, we're not always there to protect them. We have to anticipate the situation so we can set extra protection for themselves. Thanks to this application I recently signed up, I can make sure that they are properly protected. Check it out: http://safekidzone.com/
Atheist and secular humanist
11:34 AM on 01/17/2013
Arm them.
10:38 AM on 01/17/2013
I'm taking action too..I'm upping my financial support to the NRA.
10:13 AM on 01/17/2013
Ah yes, "For the children"........never mind that most of what we heard yesterday does nothing to keep kids safe. As the president himself said, "If it saves even one life, isn't it worth doing something, anything....." - in other words, any end justifies every means - the great philosophy of the liberals.

So now we feel all warm and fuzzy that we got to say we are protecting kids and sticking it to gun onwers and the NRA who, according to pundits, are the real problem. Meanwhile we have done nothing to make anyone safer. Except those in power who have all the protection they can legislate for themselves.
06:00 AM on 01/17/2013
You need to take care of USA kids first.
...and so goes the glory of the world
02:23 AM on 01/17/2013
There has been very little talk about the role poverty plays in most gun crime, so thank you for beginning to make the point. We should all take a deep breath and focus on what it truly most important here, making our lives better for ourselves and our children. If these things are not the whole point of everything we do, what is? I'd prefer to work towards a nation that does not exist in fear of itself.
11:48 PM on 01/16/2013
You "save the children" from gun related violence by protecting them the way Obama protects his kids.

- armed guards if necessary.

You don't "save the children" by infringing or taking away someone else's Constitutional rights.
09:40 PM on 01/16/2013
If you truly want to do the "right thing for our children," preserve their 2nd Amendment rights and install metal detectors and screener/guards in schools to collect guns, knives and other dangerous paraphenalia before permitting students in.
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Duane Kerzic
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02:00 AM on 01/17/2013
I used to take a gun to school and keep it in my locker. So did most of my friends. Everyone knew we had them from the bus driver to the principle. No one got shot. No guns went off in school. It was normal.
05:36 PM on 01/16/2013
The change needs to start with us!! I'm with you.
04:55 PM on 01/16/2013
Save the Children wants to save its budget. Why mess around with war, disease, pestilence and famine that kill hundreds of millions when you can ride this gun hobbyhorse to riches from the comfort of home?
04:42 PM on 01/16/2013
Never mind that a million children are maimed, permanently disabled, or killed in auto accidents each year, the real money is in shootings. Every dollar Save the Children spends on this Quixotic nonsense will be a dollar not spent on a genuine crisis, but the posters should be great.
05:34 PM on 01/16/2013
When people post these kinds of rebuttals I often wonder if they just think we should never do anything to make change for the better when we see that change needs to happen.
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Duane Kerzic
My micro-bio is empty!
02:01 AM on 01/17/2013
Gun control is going to end up making things worse like it always does in every country.


Wake up you are being lied to.
08:16 AM on 01/17/2013
That depends on where you're looking. If you're picking the feel good cause d'jour then I think you disingenuous or A.D.D.. Automobiles are a vastly more destructive device than guns. But then, you own one of those; you might be called upon for a personal sacrifice to save children, and that's a lot tougher than decrying your neighbor's activities.
04:08 PM on 01/16/2013
"Kids are growing up in a different world, so it's time for new and bold ideas." Can we do this without being so imposing like the NRA?
10:18 AM on 01/17/2013
The NRA tried something "new and bold" and it got them complete mockery. The NRA knows all too well that "gun control" is nothing more than "gun eradication". As far as I'm concerned they need to be imposing........Adebol, what ideas would you suggest ?
03:37 PM on 01/16/2013
Let us give them a good education with choice and vouchers
Let is give them freedom of opportunity without reverse discrimination, quotas and affirmative action
Let us protect them from the filth spewed out by Hollywood
Let us arm and train teachers to protect them in school.
Let us free them from the debt created by Obama "me first" generation
Let us cap teachers salaries and benefits to reasonable levels so that college tuition decreases

Obama didn't deal with any of those things that our children really need. His solution is demagogue, divide, throw money at it and use it for political advantage.
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10:23 PM on 01/16/2013
The President's proposal includes:

- Universal background checks for anyone purchasing a gun;
- A ban on assault weapons and a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines; and
- Tougher sanctions on people who knowingly sell guns to criminals.

Which of these do you not support and why?
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Duane Kerzic
My micro-bio is empty!
02:04 AM on 01/17/2013
You do know that we have almost universal background checks now?

You know we have sanctions on people who knowingly sell guns to criminals now but the Obama Justice department doesn't enforce the laws we now have. Wonder why that is? So that there will be more victims.
10:53 AM on 01/17/2013
I view the 2nd amendment on the same level as the 1st amendment. However I would vote to change the 2nd amendment. Until it is properly amended here is my answer:

I would not support background checks and permitting or licensing of journalists or people who speak out in public and would not support them for people wanted to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

I would not support a ban on MSNBC (=1st amendment equivalent of assault rifle) or on real assault rifles. Also that term "assault rifle" is a myth. It is nothing more than a hunting rifle made to look like an M15. It is NOT an "automatic" weapon.

I would not support a ban or prevent people from selling their private property to each other including weapons. It isn't my job or a citizens job to screen the purchaser just like it is not my job to attempt to screen the violent hate inducing speech of stations like NBC or MSNBC.

Bring me an amendment to the 2nd amendment that preserves my right to defend myself again a tyrannical government but limits clip size to 10-12 and restricts ownership of automatic weapons (which are already illegal) and I would vote for it.
03:32 PM on 01/16/2013
Bravo for making this bold, brave move to protect our children.
Brian Bender
Please prove your assertion. Thanks!
02:56 PM on 01/16/2013
So called "assault weapons" are used in less than 1% of crimes so targeting those guns and not the ones that are most often used is not common sense.
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10:23 PM on 01/16/2013
Baby steps. Most people can agree that assault weapons and large-capacity magazines are not necessary for any citizen.
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Duane Kerzic
My micro-bio is empty!
02:06 AM on 01/17/2013
They are necessary. So you have someone that invades you home. Sorry you can only have a 10 round clip. We don't care if you miss. That's not important to us. Baby steps are important to us.

You do know that you just said this is a slippery slope.
Brian Bender
Please prove your assertion. Thanks!
08:32 AM on 01/17/2013
Actually, most people disagree. Thanks.
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21 hours ago ( 5:42 PM)
68% of murder is by gun.
Brian Bender
Please prove your assertion. Thanks!
18 hours ago ( 8:05 PM)
100% of defensive uses with a gun is by gun. LOL