Rep. Keith Ellison

Rep. Keith Ellison


Member of Congress from Minnesota's Fifth District. Co-Chair,

Minneapolis/Washington, D.C. ·

ツイート すべて / 返信なし

  1. Doubt Boehner has resolve to implement Pentagon cuts Tea Party opposes, but mistake to think we will sacrifice seniors to avoid sequester.

  2. 74% support banning assault weapons. 74% support banning high capacity ammunition clips, 86% support background checks;

  3. We need 250k to 300k jobs/month to lower unemployment rate w/o people involuntarily dropping out of labor force. We have a job crisis.

  4. My family’s 14th Amendment right to LIFE overrules NRA-type people having mass killing devices. Fix this NOW!

  5. US to officially recognise 's government - for the first time in two decades - opening the door to new aid, US official says


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