Grantmakers for Education
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Grantmakers for Education strengthens education philanthropy in the United States. Our tools, programs and services allow our member organzations to share best practices, learn of new developments, and advance alignment and collaboration among education funders. By deepening the impact and effectiveness of funders who support early learning, K-12 and postsecondary education on local, regional and national levels, GFE improves educational outcomes and increases opportunities for all students.

If you are an education funder, we invite you to enrich your grantmaking by:


  PARTICIPATING in GFE's online and site-based programs. For a list of our upcoming programs, take a look at our calendar; which includes member briefings and study tour that focus on a topic of interest to the field; as well as our annual conference, the nation's largest gathering of education funders. 


  LEARNING from GFE, the leading knowledge source for education funders. Our eight Principles for Effective Education Grantmaking guide best practices in the field. You can deepen your organization's ability to apply the principles effectively through our Case Studies series. Our other publications include Implementing Education Policy: Getting from What Now? to What Works , a toolkit for education grantmaking and additional reports from the field.  


  COLLABORATING, NETWORKING AND ALIGNING with other GFE members. Our Funder Networks bring together grantmakers who fund specific areas of education reform. Visit the Working Group on Education Organizing, the Out-of-School Time Network, and the Education Policy Working Group to learn more.   


  JOINING GFE, the nation's largest network and most diverse learning community for education philanthropy.  



  Become a GFE member.

 Consult resources from past GFE programs. Stream audio, view slides, watch video and read presentations from GFE web seminars and our annual conference.

Access GFE member benefits, including Philanthropy In/Sight: Education, a dynamic mapping tool from the Foundation Center, and a discounted subscription to Foundation Review, the peer-reviewed quarterly from the Johnson Center for Philanthropy.