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Welcome to the CEE website!

CEE serves those NCTE members who are engaged in the preparation, support, and continuing education of teachers of English language arts/literacy.

2013 CEE Conference

The next CEE Conference will be held July 11-14, 2013 at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. 
Call for Proposals is available now. Watch for the conference registration form in January 2013. 

Call for Nominations: 2012 CEE National Technology Leadership Award
Deadline: January 14, 2013

Graduate Students: Join the 
CEE Graduate Strand today!

Read the CEE-GS Newsletter.

Teacher Educators receive FREE journals for students through the Student/Instructor Program!

Plan Now to Attend the 2013 NCTE Annual Convention! (Re)Inventing the Future of English November 21-26, 2013, Boston, MA.
Call for Proposals are due by midnight, January 18, 2013. Click here to access the online proposal form.
Join us for the many exciting CEE events and sessions planned for this year!

Read: An Analysis of the NCTQ/U.S. News & World Report Plan to Evaluate and Rank Teacher Education Programs in Colleges and Universities, June 2011

Resources from the Past CEE Conferences

June 2011 CEE Conference, Rediscovering Praxis: Connections and Community in English Teacher Education

June 2009 CEE Conference, Fast Forward in English Education: Policy into Practice

Reports from the 2007 CEE Leadership and Policy Summit
Click here to read the reports from the 2007 CEE Leadership & Policy Summit thematic strands. These reports should be viewed as working papers or "think pieces," intended to promote discussion rather than as official statements of CEE policy.

2005 CEE Leadership and Policy Summit: Reconstructing English Education for the 21st Century
Read and respond to the seven belief statements written by over 75 past, present, and future CEE leaders who participated in the historic 2005 Conference on English Education Leadership and Policy Summit in Atlanta.

Document and Site Resources

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