Justin Amash

Justin Amash


I have the highest ratio of sweet to not-so-sweet tweets of any Member of Congress. I defend & explain every vote @ http://facebook.com/repjustinamash .

Michigan's Third District · http://amash.house.gov/

Tweets Todos / Sin menciones

  1. Yes, I've personally explained every vote since my days in MI House. “: You explain every one?”

  2. My colleague & friend offered a responsible amendment to offset costs of Sandy relief. It failed 162-258.

  3. Honored & excited to be appointed to Oversight and Government Reform subcommittees on Gov't Operations & Nat'l Security.

  4. this all ends with Tim Huelskamp and Justin Amash sneaking into Mordor to hurl the platinum coin into the fires of Mount Doom, right?

  5. "Amash said his 2 main goals as a congressman are to get a handle on spending & to bring transparency to the process."

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