Rep. Miller: No Budget, No Pay

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) today made the following statement in support of legislation which requires the United States Senate and House of Representatives to pass a budget or Members’ own pay will be suspended.  Miller said:

“Our nation is facing a fiscal crisis driven by our massive debt and out-of-control Washington spending.  House Republicans have for the last two years put forward a budget, as required by law, which outlines our ideas for reducing our deficit and our paying off our debt.  For nearly four years the Senate has failed to pass a budget as required by law.  What we are saying now is very simple:  We will pass a short term extension in our nation’s debt limit to avoid default, the House will once again pass a budget before the statutory deadline laying out how we will deal with the pending fiscal crisis, and we will provide the Senate time to do its job and lay out its budget priorities.  The bill we will pass will also deny pay to members of either house of Congress that does not do its job to pass a budget as the law requires. 

“The time for the Senate offering excuses for failing to act is over.  The law requires the Senate to take action and the American people deserve to see how the Senate believes we should move forward in dealing with our nation’s fiscal challenges.  American families and American businesses all work under a budget.  The Senate should be no different and must lay out a plan for how to spend the people’s money.  It is time for the Senate to do its job.”
