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Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

News Releases  (12/05/2012 - 01/04/2013)

VA, SSA and IRS Cut Red Tape for Veterans and Survivors - The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today it is cutting red tape for Veterans by eliminating the need for them to complete an annual Eligibility Verification Report (EVR). VA will implement a new process for confirming eligibility for benefits, and staff that had been responsible for processing the old form will instead focus on eliminating the compensation claims backlog.  (12/20/12)

Statement by Secretary Shinseki on the Passing of Senator Daniel Inouye -  (12/18/12)

VA’s National Director for Homeless Programs Wins Award - Lisa M. Pape, the national director, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) homeless programs within the Department of Veterans Affairs, has been named recipient of the 2012 Knee – Wittman Award for outstanding achievement in health and mental health policy. (12/11/12)

Report Reveals Further Reduction in Veterans Homelessness - The Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced that a new national report shows that homelessness among Veterans has been reduced by approximately 7 percent between January 2011 and January 2012. The decline keeps the Obama Administration on track to meet the goal of ending Veteran homelessness in 2015.  (12/10/12)

VA Seeks to Expand TBI Benefits - The Department of Veterans Affairs is publishing a proposed regulation in the Federal Register that would change its rules to add five diagnosable illnesses which are secondary to service-connected Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). (12/7/12)

VA and Indian Health Service Announce National Reimbursement Agreement - WASHINGTON -- American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans will soon have increased access to health care services closer to home following a recent Department of Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service (IHS) joint national agreement. (12/6/12)

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