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Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs


VA Shows

Link to VA News Web page

VA News
"VA News" is a weekly video program designed to provide timely news and information about the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Link to The American Veteran Web page

The American Veteran
A series of short video features about veterans' rights and benefits along with inspiring stories of service and sacrifice made by America's men and women in uniform.

Link to The Still Serving Page

Still Serving
Still Serving" is a monthly video profile designed to highlight veterans who are "Still Serving" our Nations Veterans.

Featured Videos

VA employee at Job fair
VA Hosts Major Veteran Career Fair in Washington D.C.
Image of Doubts video
A first-time visitor to a VA Medical Center overcomes doubts about using VA services

First Day of the NVSBC

Veteran Small Business Conference


Stop Loss Pay

Still Serving
Womens Veterans Forum at WIMSA Memorial
Welcome Home Event
Welcome Home
Secretary Shinseki's Father's Day message
Secretary's Message for Father's Day 2010
Secretary Shinseki
Secretary Shinseki Speaks on Homeless Veterans

VA Youth Volunteer of the year
Secretary Shinseki speaking at the Fatherhood Forum
Secretary Shinseki Speaks at the Fatherhood Forum

VA 2010 National Salute to Veterans

Across the country, America paid tribute to Veterans of our armed forces in the Salute to Veterans program with celebrity visits, concerts and other activities and events. These three music videos honor the hard work of more than 100,000 VA employees and volunteers who made the program a great success.

Little Anthony
Little Anthony
Aaron Tippin
Aaron Tippin
Lee Greenwood
Lee Greenwood

Secretary Shinseki receiving a flu shot

Secretary Shinseki First of Thousands of VA Employees & Veterans to Get Flu Shots

The Post-9/11 GI Bill

How to Get Your GI Bill Emergency Check
If you're entitled to a VA GI Bill emergency check and you have questions about how to obtain your check, watch this video!

GI Bill Emergency Payment
Tammy Duckworth, Assistant Secretary, Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

The Post-9/11 GI Bill
Tammy Duckworth, Assistant Secretary, Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs talks about the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

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    1-877-222-VETS (8387)
  • VA Inspector General: 1-800-488-8244
  • Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 Press 1


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