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Model-View-Controller concept. Note: The solid line represents a direct association, the dashed an indirect association via an observer (for example).

Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. The pattern isolates "domain logic" (the application logic for the user) from input and presentation (GUI), permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each.

The model is the domain-specific representation of the data upon which the application operates. Domain logic adds meaning to raw data (for example, calculating whether today is the user's birthday, or the totals, taxes, and shipping charges for shopping cart items). When a model changes its state, it notifies its associated views so they can refresh.

Many applications use a persistent storage mechanism such as a database to store data. MVC does not specifically mention the data access layer because it is understood to be underneath or encapsulated by the model. Models are not data access objects; however, in very simple apps that have little domain logic there is no real distinction to be made. Also, the ActiveRecord is an accepted design pattern which merges domain logic and data access code - a model which knows how to persist itself.

The view renders the model into a form suitable for interaction, typically a user interface element. Multiple views can exist for a single model for different purposes.

The controller receives input and initiates a response by making calls on model objects.

An MVC application may be a collection of model/view/controller triplets, each responsible for a different UI element.

MVC is often seen in web applications where the view is the HTML or XHTML generated by the app. The controller receives GET or POST input and decides what to do with it, handing over to domain objects (i.e. the model) that contain the business rules and know how to carry out specific tasks such as processing a new subscription.


[edit] History

MVC was first described in 1979[1] by Trygve Reenskaug, then working on Smalltalk at Xerox PARC. The original implementation is described in depth in the influential paper "Applications Programming in Smalltalk-80: How to use Model–View–Controller".[2]

There have been several derivatives of MVC. For example, Model View Presenter is used with the .NET Framework[3], and the XForms standard uses a "model-view-controller-connector architecture"[4]. However, standard MVC remains popular.[citation needed]

[edit] Overview

Though MVC comes in different flavors, control flow is generally as follows:

  1. The user interacts with the user interface in some way (for example, presses a mouse button).
  2. The controller handles the input event from the user interface, often via a registered handler or callback and converts the event into appropriate user action, understandable for the model.
  3. The controller notifies the model of the user action, possibly resulting in a change in the model's state. (For example, the controller updates the user's shopping cart.)[5]
  4. A view queries the model in order to generate an appropriate user interface (for example, the view lists the shopping cart's contents). Note that the view gets its own data from the model. The controller may (in some implementations) issue a general instruction to the view to render itself. In others, the view is automatically notified by the model of changes in state (Observer) which require a screen update.
  5. The user interface waits for further user interactions, which restarts the cycle.

Some implementations such as the W3C XForms also use the concept of a dependency graph to automate the updating of views when data in the model changes.

By decoupling models and views, MVC helps to reduce the complexity in architectural design and to increase flexibility and reuse of code.[citation needed]

[edit] Selected frameworks

[edit] GUI frameworks

[edit] VCL

The controller is represented by the visual forms created either in the form designer or via code.

[edit] Combined frameworks

[edit] Java: Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)

Simple Version implementing Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages from Java EE:

The model is a collection of Java classes that form a software application intended to store, and optionally separate, data. A single front end class that can communicate with any user interface (for example: a console, a graphical user interface, or a web application).
The view is represented by JavaServer Page, with data being transported to the page in the HttpServletRequest or HttpSession.
The Controller servlet communicates with the front end of the model and loads the HttpServletRequest or HttpSession with appropriate data, before forwarding the HttpServletRequest and Response to the JSP using a RequestDispatcher.

The Servlet is a Java class, and it communicates and interacts with the model but does not need to generate HTML or XHTML output; the JSPs do not have to communicate with the model because the Servlet provides them with the information—they can concentrate on creating output.

Unlike the other frameworks, Java EE defines a pattern for model objects.

The model is commonly represented by entity beans, although the model can be created by a servlet using a business object framework such as Spring.
The view in a Java EE application may be represented by a JavaServer Page, which may be currently implemented using JavaServer Faces Technology (JSF). Alternatively, the code to generate the view may be part of a servlet.
The controller in a Java EE application may be represented by a servlet, which may be currently implemented using JavaServer Faces (JSF).

[edit] XForms

XForms is an XML format for the specification of a data processing model for XML data and user interface(s) for the XML data, such as web forms.


XForms stores the Model as XML elements in the browser. They are usually placed in the non-visible <head> elements of a web page.


The Views are XForms controls for screen elements and can be placed directly in the visible section of web page. They are usually placed in the <body> elements of a web page.

The model and views are bound together using reference or binding statements. These binding statements are used by the XForms dependency graph to ensure that the correct views are updated when data in the model changes. This means that forms developers do not need to be able to understand either the push or pull models of event processing.


All mouse events are processed by XForms controls and XML events are dispatched.

[edit] Implementations of MVC as GUI frameworks

Smalltalk's MVC implementation inspired many other GUI frameworks, such as the following:

[edit] Implementations of MVC as web-based frameworks

In the design of web applications, MVC is implemented by web template systems as a "View for web" component.

MVC is typically implemented as a "Model 2" architecture in Sun parlance. Model 2 focuses on efficiently handling and dispatching full page form posts and reconstructing the full page via a front controller. Complex web applications continue to be more difficult to design than traditional applications because of this "full page" effect. More recently AJAX driven frameworks that focus on firing focused UI events at specific UI Components on the page are emerging. This is causing MVC to be revisited for web application development using traditional desktop programming techniques.[citation needed]

[edit] ABAP Objects

[edit] Actionscript

  • PureMVC Framework for Actionscript.
  • FlashMVC- A lightweight Framework for Actionscript3 aimed at beginners to power users.

[edit] ASP

[edit] C++

  • cppcms A C++ Web Development Framework (not CMS) aimed for Rapid Web Application Development.
  • Wt - Web toolkit A library and application server for web applications using a desktop-like event-driven MVC pattern.

[edit] ColdFusion

  • Mach-II A framework that focuses on trying to ease software development and maintenance
  • Model-Glue Through a simple implementation of Implicit Invocation and Model–View–Controller, they allow applications to be well organized without sacrificing flexibility.
  • Fusebox Fusebox does not force the Model–View–Controller (MVC) pattern or Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) on the developer. However, either or both of these development approaches can be used with Fusebox.
  • PureMVC Framework for ColdFusion
  • Coldbox is an event-driven conventions based MVC ColdFusion Framework with an extensive array of patterns for its operations such as Factories, Helpers, Workers, etc.
  • Switchboard is a MVC framework with built in authentication, redirecting, and URL routing.
  • FW/1 is intended to require near-zero configuration, letting you build your application without worrying about a framework getting in your way.

[edit] Flex

  • Cairngorm one of the primary open source frameworks for application architecture in Adobe Flex.
  • HydraMVC Flex framework improving upon PureMVC
  • Mate Architectural framework for Flex development.
  • PureMVC ActionScript 3 MVC framework for Flex, Flash and AIR development.
  • Aconcagua is a Flex/AIR framework built to support enterprise application development.

[edit] Groovy

[edit] Java

MVC web application frameworks:

[edit] JavaScript

MVC web application frameworks:

[edit] Informix 4GL

  • Informix 4GL MVC models to use for Informix 4GL report and form creation
  • EGL — IBM's EGL MVC Implementation

[edit] Lua

[edit] .NET

[edit] Perl

[edit] PHP

  • Agavi a PHP5 application framework that focuses on sustained quality and correctness.
  • Akelos PHP Framework a Ruby on Rails port to PHP4/5..
  • Atomik Framework micro framework for PHP5. Atomik Framework
  • BluewaterMVC A Different Approach to MVC Frameworks.
  • CakePHP webapplication framework modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails.
  • CodeIgniter An MVC framework for PHP4 (up-compatible with PHP 5.3.0 as of version 1.7.2).
  • CodeLighter Micro Codeigniter-like MVC PHP5 framework that uses Codeigniter plugins and libraries.
  • Concrete5 A PHP MVC framework and CMS platform.
  • Dingo Framework An application framework designed for ease of use and flexibility.
  • EuropaPHP An extremely fast and lightweight PHP5 MVC framework. Compatible with the Zend Framework.
  • Exponent CMS is web Content Management System web application framework using its own MVC framework modeled after Rails.
  • EZG Framework is a simple and lightweight MVC based PHP framework.
  • FUSE A powerful but easy-to-use PHP 5 Framework for MVC development modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails.
  • FLOW3 TYPO3's MVC framework (being developed)
  • Jelix (web framework)
  • Jaws is a Framework and Content Management System for building dynamic web sites.
  • Joomla! v1.5.x is an open source Content Management System that employs the MVC model for its extensions, called components and modules.
  • KISSMVC A minimalist but fully flexible PHP MVC framework designed based on the KISS principle
  • Kohana is an open source MVC oriented framework, originally forked from CodeIgniter.
  • Kumbia PHP Framework is an open source PHP5 MVC framework with ActiveRecord, Routing,...
  • LISA MVC is an open source object oriented web application framework.
  • Lithium Lithium is a light-weight, high-performance, RAD framework for PHP 5.3 and up.
  • Micro CMS Open Source (LGPL) MVC framework and nice and simple CMS in one
  • MODx Full-featured Open Source OOP MVC/ORB xPDO-based CMS
  • MVCnPHP Fast, open source and only does MVC.
  • Nette Framework A PHP MVC/MVP framework.
  • Neutron A lightweight open-source PHP5 library featuring a simple MVC routing framework.
  • Odin Assemble Small footprint PHP based MVC Framework.
  • OpenCart Open Source Shopping Cart based on MVC Framework.
  • Orinoco Framework is a full-stack yet lightweight framework written in PHP5. It implements the Model 2 design paradigm.
  • PHP4MVC A minimal easy-to-use MVC architecture in PHP4.
  • PHP Faces Open Source Event Driven MVC framework. PDO ORM Framework
  • PHPonTrax A PHP 5 MVC framework modeled after Ruby on Rails.
  • phpXCore A MVC design pattern based PHP content management framework compatible with PHP4 and PHP5.
  • Pluf PHP WebApp Framework modeled after Django framework.
  • PRADO A PHP 5 MVC framework modeled after ASP.NET web forms.
  • PureMVC Framework for PHP
  • Qcodo is an open-source PHP 5 web application framework that also includes a code generator.
    • QCubed is a community fork of Qcodo with more rapid development.
  • Samstyle PHP Framework is a rapid development for the PHP environment that is easy and fast to use.
  • SilverStripe contains a fully fledged PHP 5.2 ORM/MVC Framework focused on building websites.
  • Solar
  • Switch board (framework) PHP 5 MVC Framework with Routing.
  • Symfony Framework PHP 5 MVC Framework modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails.
  • Vork PHP 5 MVC Framework designed for rapid development of performance-oriented scalable applications
  • Yii PHP Framework A PHP 5, high-performance component-based framework best for developing large-scale Web applications
  • SimpleTools An Object Oriented MVC Framework
  • MvcSkel web framework for PHP5
  • Zend Framework A PHP 5-based MVC framework conceptually similar to Ruby on Rails.
  • ZNF PHP5 MVC framework for enterprise web applications
  • Zoop Framework A Mature PHP 4/5 MVC framework.

[edit] Python

  • Django A complete Python web application framework. Django prefers to call its MVC implementation MTV, for Model-Template-View.[8]
  • Enthought The Enthought Tool Suite brings the Model–view–controller mindset to scientific GUIs and visualization
  • Pylons—Python Web Framework
  • TurboGears for Python
  • web2py A scalable full-stack enterprise level Python agile web development framework with support for highly flexible and rapid database-driven web application development.
  • Zope Web application server
  • Plone Content management system built on top Zope
  • PureMVC Framework for Python
  • Pygtkmvc Model-View-Controller (MVC) and the Observer patterns for the PyGTK2 graphic toolkit
  • mvckit Lightweight Model-View-Controller Kit/Framework for Python

[edit] Ruby

[edit] Smalltalk

[edit] XML

  • XForms—XForms has an integrated Model–view–controller architecture with an integral dependency graph that frees the programmer from specifically having to perform either push or pull operations.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links