
Rep. Garrett recaps the second session of the 112th Congress

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Published on Dec 21, 2012

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  • Linda Leeder

    How can you sit there and tell us what you accomplished when the House Republicans irresponsibly left Washington without helping to resolve our fiscal problems? As far as I'm concerned, you should all be fired! Did you ever hear of the word "Negotiate"? It can't be all your way and it can't be all their way. Find the middle ground and make it work. Act responsibly or you will destroy this country you profess to love so much.


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  • Eleanor Rigby

    I am saddened that you stand only for the wealthy constituents. The gap between wealthy and poor continues to widen because of politics to shelter those with the highest income.


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  • njrtp

    Thanks for realizing the people want you to protect our tax $. The Sandy Aid Bill has now been revealed to be pork filled with our $ earmarked for projects far-removed from the Sandy devastation as reported by ABC. Your insistance that gov't accountability and oversight before supporting the Bill will make it more likely that the aid will actually go to the needy and not wasted as in Katrina. Merry Christmas.


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  • Robert Patterson patterson

    Dear Rep Garrett: Please reconsider your singular vote against H Sandy govt. aid for our fellow NJ residents. I read it was a reflection of your negative view regarding govt. spending. Very short sighted decision for a Rep. who gets very comfortable govt. assistance for your taxes, salary, and, health benefits. I'm embarrassed by your coldness to those in need during the holiday season.


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  • Douglas Ricker Jr

    Good to hear what is going on down there. I know that there is only so mush you can do with how things are in Washington. My famiely wishes you and your famiely a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to see you soon and thank you in person. See you at the Doubble S


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  • Peter C

    Congressman, you are doing a great job. I wish all Republicans would be strong as you. No wonder you were re-elected again. Congratulations on 10 years anniversary of representing our district in Congress. We are proud of you.


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  • Eric Nudelman

    With so few of your initiatives have actually becoming law I would brag about your record. Proposing bills that you know very well will never get to the president's desk is a waist of time and money. And while you did win re-election you need to keep in mind that so did the president. Those of us who voted for both of you what we want is for you to look for ways to work together with out having to speak so disrespectfully about the administration.


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  • mjdavis1022

    Keep up the good work Scott


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