Paul Ryan’s Plan to Gut Medicare Stirs Anger at Town Halls: Naw Son, They’re Not Buying What You’re Selling

                                                          Still want this, AMERICA?


Speaker John Boehner supports the decimation of medicare.

***Notice the media is not giving these folks any air time for their very vocal, concerned, measured, legitimate, complaints.  These Americans are not your typical Tea Party plants, and they aren’t addressing the Democrats,; it’s the GOP, so SORRY, no media attention for you folks!

And if any of these people were rallying at town halls in 2009 during the healthcare debates or carrying signs April 15, 2009, 2010, or voted for the GOP Reps in 2010, they’re singing a different tune now.

Don’t fall for the ole Royal Wedding, American Idol, Donald Trumpster media coverage, folks.  The media doesn’t want to cover those concerned citizens above, because if they did, we wouldn’t have weeks of coverage on that loser Donald Trump.  The Paul Ryan bill is 2009 Health Care Debate Redux, only it’s not getting media attention, because the corporate-owned media wills it so.


Shout out to Eclectablog!  Live blogging from Benton Harbour, Wednesday, April 27.

Posted in Ametia's Rant, Current Events, Economy, Health, Jobs, Media, Politics, SG2's Rant | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 33 Comments

First Lady Michelle Obama Celebrates American Poetry At The White House

Join First Lady Michelle Obama celebrate American poetry at the White House today at 2:25 pm EST.  You can watch the poetry workshop live here.

Join us for live blogging beginning 7:10 pm tonight for:

An Evening of Poetry at the White House.

Posted in Arts, Celebrations, Current Events, FLOTUS, Good News!, Inspiration, Media, Michelle Obama, President Obama, Tribute | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Wednesday Open Thread

George Benson (born March 22, 1943)[1] is a multi- Grammy Award winning American musician, whose production career began at the age of twenty-one as a jazz guitarist. He is also known as a pop, R&B, and scat singer. This one-time child prodigy topped the Billboard 200 in 1976 with the triple-platinum album, Breezin’.[2] He was also a major live attraction in the UK during the 1980s.[2] Benson uses a rest-stroke picking technique similar to that of gypsy jazz players such as Django Reinhardt.

Benson was born and raised in the Hill District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At the age of 7, Benson first played the ukulele in a corner drug store for which he was paid a few dollars; at the age of 8, he was playing guitar in an unlicensed nightclub on Friday and Saturday nights which was soon closed down by the police. At the age of 10, George recorded his first single record with RCA-Victor in New York, called ‘She Makes Me Mad’.

Posted in Current Events, Music, Open Thread, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 43 Comments

President Obama and America’s Erectile Dysfunction

Cross-posted from  W.E.E. See You with Zizi’s permission- THANK YOU!

President Obama and America’s Erectile Dysfunction
Posted by Zizi2 on May 08th, 2011

Who knew that to be considered a “full blooded American” all President Obama had to do was pump a hefty dose of Viagra into America’s collective manhood, and unleash our inner Rambos? Truly sad and fascinating all at once! In a split second PBO went from being the target of Trump’s “Negro, show your papers” to Bill Maher’s “Black Ninja gangsta” and now to Glenn Greenwald’s accusation that PBO is a perpetrator of extra-judicial killings. Jon Stewart gave it visual punch with his map of America with a 45 degree erect Florida beefed up with weighty gonads.

As a cultural critic, tracking the racial narrative geography of the birth certificate brouhaha, and soaking up the language that poured out of the public domain on this past week’s news of Osama bin Laden’s demise, has been a veritable journey through America’s existential fears—the perceived loss of virility. Hollywoood has nothing on the breathless media circus that gushed over the details of the operation carried out by Navy SEALS Team 6. In short, President Obama seemed to have suddenly “redeemed himself” in the eyes of many skeptics overnight. Or has he? What changed about this man? What is it with Bill Maher and his obsession with the President Obama’s manhood?

To those labeled “Obamabots” (and I am unequivocally one), Bill Maher’s and Maureen Dowd’s sudden realization that President Obama is one “Black Ninja gangsta” or “cool hand Luke” is downright juvenile. Not that we cannot all enjoy this moment of national catharsis and tempered joy. After the birth certificate and “how did he get into Harvard and Columbia” nonsense dragged many of us PBO supporters to a new psychological low; a painful low which Baratunde Thurston captured poignantly in his Youtube video last week, certainly the surprising news of the successful Osama bin Laden mission was more than cathartic. The strategic, tactical and stealth brilliance of the whole mission, a culmination of one of President Obama’s earliest campaign promises was nothing short of an adrenaline booster. No one could be faulted from screaming giddily or saying a sober prayer for a painful American chapter closed. No question about it.

Video: Bill Maher calls Pres. Obama “black Ninja Gangsta”

But what is galling is the professional skeptics’ and ankle-biters’ 180 degree whiplash turn from calling this President a “wimp”, “sissy” “Obambi” now to calling him “Don Corleone”, “Black ninja gangsta” or “badass.” And this reveals the fundamental racial psychosis in this country. To wit, Black males cannot ever be considered as three dimensional complex rational human beings. They can only be pigeon-holed into two categories – dumb or dangerous.

I daresay, the latter category which at this moment of fawning praise for the President would seem (and “seem” is the operative word here) to be a positive attribute because of the killing of Osama bin Laden, I categorically argue that these sudden praises do NOT represent a genuine change of opinion about this President’s stellar intellectual and strategic thinking.

Video: Bill Maher calls Pres. Obama a wimp

Simply put, they have merely changed the frame of the vessel they want to box him into. Same shit different cover; the imagery from wimp to gladiator. The crucial demand on him is to be a permanent physical performer, a hamster on a wheel or Sisyphus on a never-ending stair. And it is a performance that is always framed as a series of disconnected events. President Obama’s critics NEVER link his actions in any given moment to anything he has ever done before. Whatever he does is always “new” and “surprising”. They don’t acknowledge any narrative arc to his actions, and so everything he does is always framed in the historical present, just as old-time anthropologists described the “culture and customs” of “natives” and “aborigines” in the condescending historical present tense, as if they were lab experiments under observation.

And so in the minds of the skeptics, the bin Laden mission could not have had any direct tactical similarity to the President’s decision making about surgically resolving the pirates’ standoff in April 2009. Oh no. His doggedness in the face of ever escalating obstacles could not have anything to do with how we all saw him run his campaign and focus like a Vulcan on the delegate math to win even when his poll numbers were subterranean. Oh no. Nor does it remind us of his persistence in reviving what everybody thought was a dead healthcare bill after Democrats lost Ted Kennedy’s senate seat. Oh no. That he “massacred” the Republican House caucus at their Baltimore retreat on Jan 29, 2010, and again at the second White House healthcare summit on both the policy front and politicking brazenness. Oh no. Nor did this mission demonstrate the exact same cool resolve just as he did find a winning path through the two cancerous legislative houses last December to get a second stimulus for the Middle Class, overturning Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and the START treaty, or even the recent 2011 budget deal. Oh no.

To the ankle biters he cannot have been competent enough to stop us from falling off the Bush created recession cliff and single-handedly save a whole industry –the auto industry, and jumpstart one – clean energy. Oh no. On the national security and foreign policy fronts (I have no idea why many pundits collapse the two), this President cannot have been a strategic thinker enough to have realized that the Iraq war was a “dumb war” diversion from our real national interests when everyone was rah rah-ing like compliant poodles. Oh no. He cannot possibly have influenced Nouri al Maliki’s eager endorsement of candidate Obama’s call for a “timetable” to exit Iraq in 2008, a shift which Bush himself and Condi Rice both rapidly adopted in the face of changing global winds. Oh no. President Obama cannot be credited with crafting a foreign policy thrust that has gotten prior global skeptics (Russia and China) aligned with our interests (e.g. on Iran, global action on securing loose nuclear weapons, on Libya) Oh no. These and many many more achievements of this President, in the face of virulent bigotry, and the worst obstruction by both political opponents and so-called in-party allies, cannot in any way be signs of a smart thinker and savvy strategist. Oh no. These are all just …well,.. unconnected lucky happenings under his tenure.

And so it follows that in this bin Laden mission, President Obama’s action in the minds of his critics and instant praise-singers now simply is either the outcome of a primal manly scream (we knew he was a black buck somehow), or luck (after all how hard can it be, all he had to do was to say yes), and even then he “dithered for 16 hours”, or an absence (his national security team had to overrule him anyway). Of course, others like former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card charge that he is taking too much credit:

“I think he has pounded his chest a little too much…He can take pride in it, but he does not need to show it so much… I thought his statement was subdued, but I think his schedule is not subdued. Personally, I think it is premature to go to Ground Zero, in New York. I think my role model in this would be George H. W. Bush, when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. It was a day to celebrate, but we did not dance on the Wall.”

Oh Really? Yeah That black guy cannot be allowed to bask in the glory of hitting the ultimate jackpot, the very national security and foreign policy trophy that the GOP has falsely wielded all these decades even though their actual foreign policy actions have been nothing but disastrous. That they have successfully hoodwinked the American public into trusting them as “daddies’ has been misplaced is what lies behind Card’s jealous carping. They know the jig is up. As Maher said Friday night, President Obama “ate their lunch”. And I daresay he belched big time after wolfing down their fake trophy.

But this vacillation between weakling and ninja gangsta in the punditocracy’s assessment of President Obama recalls a critical point that Ida B. Wells Barnett made in her famous 19th century text – A Red Record – that explained the rationale for the rise in the lynching of black males. She said that black males went from being perceived as human machines and simpletons during slavery, to being dangerous over-sexed predators whose bodies had to be feared and “disciplined” (i.e. lynched). The twin narrative we are hearing this week recalls this primal fear in the white American psyche – the virile Obama (to the Mahers and Dowds), and the lawless Obama (to the strange bedfellows Greenwald, Yoo, Fox News, and Hamsher) who ordered an assassination mission. As Dowd puts it President Obama had finally put this country’ s “Oedipal ghosts” to rest. It is quite instructive that this past week has called up Sigmund Freud from the grave.

The big lesson from all this is that we actually do have a President Badassssss, but not in the testosterone oozing and hyper phallic puffing sense. Oh no. President Obama does not need any of that. What is making his detractors hop really mad is that he has shrewdly co-opted their fantasy symbols of virility, destroyed their false potency then replaced them with his own mix of smarts and chutzpah – a la Sun Tzu. It kinda reminds you of Langston Hughes’ famous poem, “I, Too, Sing America”

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I’ll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody’ll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”

They’ll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed–

I, too, am America.

President Obama, sing on brother, sing on…. As the Igbo of Nigeria say, “you cracked your own palm kernels.”

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Photos: President Obama at Chamizal National Memorial in El Paso, Texas

Posted in Barack Obama, Current Events, Open Thread, Politics, President Obama | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

President Obama Visits El Paso, Texas

Bloomberg News

President Barack Obama said the drive to revamp the nation’s immigration laws has fallen victim to political games and “ugly rhetoric,” and that eliminating an underground economy fueled by illegal immigration will strengthen the U.S. middle class.

Obama, speaking in El Paso, Texas, along the U.S. border with Mexico, said his administration has answered critics who demanded stricter border enforcement and now it is time to overhaul the law to provide a legal path to residence for some of the 11 million people in the country illegally and revise an “outdated” system for legal immigration.

“Immigration reform is an economic imperative,” Obama said at the Chamizal National Memorial, which commemorates a 1963 treaty with Mexico that settled a century-long boundary dispute.

Obama invoked the successes of immigrants who went on to found Google Inc. (GOOG), Intel Corp. (INTC) and Yahoo! Inc. as proof that keeping the country open to foreign talent leads to job creation. Quoting Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates, Obama said the U.S. can’t remain competitive in the global economy by excluding talent.

“It’s for this reason that businesses all across America are demanding that Washington finally meet its responsibility to solve the immigration problem,” he said.

Read more here:

Posted in Current Events, Politics, Open Thread, Barack Obama, President Obama | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Tuesday Open Thread

Kenneth Brian Babyface Edmonds (born April 10, 1958) is an American R&B and pop singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, record producer, film producer, and entrepreneur.

Kenneth Edmonds was born on April 10, 1958, in Indianapolis, Indiana[1] to Marvin and Barbara Edmonds. Barbara was a pharmaceutical plant manager. Edmonds, who is the fifth of six brothers (which also included future After 7 bandmembers Melvin and Kevon Edmonds, the latter of whom later had a modestly successful solo career), attended North Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and as a shy youth, wrote songs to express his emotions.[citation needed] When he was in eighth grade, Edmonds’s father died of lung cancer, leaving his mother to raise her sons alone. At this stage, Edmonds became determined to have a career in music.

Posted in Current Events, Politics, Music, Open Thread | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 54 Comments

Monday Open Thread

The O’Jays are a Canton, Ohio based soul and R&B group, originally consisting of Eddie Levert (born June 16, 1942), Walter Williams (born August 25, 1942), William Powell (January 20, 1942 – May 26, 1977), Bobby Massey and Bill Isles. The O’Jays were inducted into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 2004, and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. The O’Jays had their first hit with “Lonely Drifter”, in 1963. In spite of the record’s success, the group was considering quitting the music industry until Gamble & Huff, a team of producers and songwriters, took an interest in the group. With Gamble & Huff, the O’Jays (now a trio after the departure of Isles and Massey) emerged at the forefront of Philadelphia soul with “Back Stabbers” (1972), and topped the Billboard Hot 100 the following year with “Love Train“.

Posted in Current Events, Music, Open Thread, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 77 Comments

Video| President Obama 60 Minutes Interview With Steve Kroft

                           YES SIREE, POTUS IS BLACK, AND HE’S GOT AMERICA’S BACK!         

                                  CBS SUNDAY, MAY 8, AT 7 PM/EST-6 PM CT.



Excerpts of transcript

STEVE KROFT: What was the most difficult part? I mean you had to decide. This was your decision whether to proceed or not and how to proceed. What was the most difficult part of that decision?

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: My number one concern was if I send them in, can I get them out? And a lot of the discussion we had during the course of planning was how do we make sure there’s backup. How do we make sure that there’s redundancy built into the plan so that we have the best chance of getting our guys out. That’s point number one.

The president also told Kroft the decision to bury the body of Osama bin Laden at sea was a respectful and appropriate way that contrasted sharply with the terrorist’s disregard for the 3,000 people who perished – some never to be found – in the 9/11 massacre he masterminded.

About bin Laden’s burial at sea executed within 24 hours of his death as prescribed by Muslim law, the president said, “Frankly, we took more care on this than, obviously, bin Laden took when he killed 3,000 people. He didn’t have much regard for how they were treated and desecrated. But that, again, is something that makes us different. And I think we handled it appropriately.”

Kroft asks President Obama if it was his decision to bury the al Qaeda leader at sea. “It was a joint decision. We thought it was important to think through ahead of time how we would dispose of the body if he were killed in the compound,” says the president. “And I think that what we tried to do was – consulting with experts in Islamic law and ritual – to find something that was appropriate, that was, respectful of the body.”

The president talked to Kroft about the decision not to release death photos of the terrorist leader:

STEVE KROFT: Did you see the pictures?


KROFT: What was your reaction when you saw them?

OBAMA: It was him.

KROFT: Why haven’t you released them?

OBAMA:  “You know, we discussed this internally. Keep in mind that we are absolutely certain this was him. We’ve done DNA sampling and testing. And so there is no doubt that we killed Osama bin Laden. It is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence. As a propaganda tool. You know, that’s not who we are. You know, we don’t trot out this stuff as trophies. You know, the fact of the matter is this was somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received. And I think– Americans and people around the world are glad that he’s gone. But we don’t need to spike the football. And I think that given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk. And I’ve discussed this with Bob Gates and Hillary Clinton and my intelligence teams and they all agree.”

KROFT:  There are people in Pakistan, for example, who say, “Look, this is all a lie. Obama, this is another American trick. Osama’s not dead.”

OBAMA: You know, the truth is that and we — we’re monitoring worldwide reaction. There’s no doubt that Bin Laden is dead. Certainly there’s no doubt among al Qaeda members that he is dead. And so we don’t think that a photograph in and of itself is going to make any difference. There are going be some folks who deny it. The fact of the matter is, you will not see bin Laden walking on this Earth again.

In Sunday’s interview, the president will reveal for the first time his thoughts as he watched and listened from the Situation Room of the White House as the commando-style raid on bin Laden’s compound unfolded.

And this video by ALPHACAT aka Iman Crosson is worth a repost:

Posted in Barack Obama, Current Events, Media, President Obama | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 38 Comments

Sunday Open Thread

Edwin Hawkins (born 18 August 1943, Oakland, California) is a Grammy Award-winning American gospel and R&B musician, pianist, choir master, composer and arranger. He is one of the originators of the urban contemporary gospel sound. He (and the Edwin Hawkins Singers) are best known for his arrangement of “Oh Happy Day” (1968–69), which was included on the Songs of the Century list. The Edwin Hawkins Singers made a second foray into the charts a year later, backing folk singer Melanie on “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)“.

At the age of seven Hawkins was already the keyboardist to accompany the family’s gospel choir. Together with Betty Watson, he was the co-founder of the Northern California State Youth Choir of the Church of God in Christ, which included almost 50 members.[1] This ensemble recorded its first album Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord at the Ephesian Church of God in Christ in Berkeley, California, hoping to sell 500 copies. “Oh Happy Day” was just one of the eight songs on the album.

Posted in Celebrations, Christianity, Current Events, Good News!, Gospel, Inspiration, Music, Open Thread, Politics, Praise, Religion, Spirituality, Worship | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 72 Comments

Saturday Open Thread

TLC is an iconic, four time grammy award winning American girl group whose repertoire spanned R&B, Rock, Hip-Hop, Pop, Soul, Funk, and New Jack Swing.

Originally consisting of band front woman, Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, rapper Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, and singer Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas, they found unprecedented success in the 90′s not only as a musical supergroup but also for an extensive series of high profiled spats with the law, each other, and with their record label—all of which, helped to solidify them as one of the definitive recording acts to emerge during the afromentioned time span. Initally, the group achieved commercial success following the release of their debut album Ooooooohhh… On the TLC Tip, but it was the release of their second studio album, CrazySexyCool that elevated them to superstar status. They released four studio albums before going on hiatus due to the death of Left Eye in Honduras in 2002.

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