Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Miss Philippines Universe Entry Deadline Passes With No Trans Applicant

If I had to put money on which national pageant organization would be the first to have an out trans woman on the Miss Universe stage representing their nation, the Philippines would be in my top three. 

The others in case you're wondering are Thailand and Brazil. 

I say that because as me and my homegirl like us Naomi Fontanos are well aware of and discuss from time to time, the Philippines and Thailand take their beauty pageants seriously.  

Those two nations are also home to the most prestigious and internationally renowned trans pageants for their local trans women in Miss Tiffany Universe in Thailand and the Amazing Philippine Beauties.

Jenna Talackova brought the glass pageant ceiling down and took out the odious 'natural born women' rule that was used to bar transwomen from competing in Miss Universe system pageants.

Since then the Miss Universe franchise pageants are being given extra scrutiny from inside and outside the trans community to determine if any 18-27 year old trans women exercise their option to enter and attempt to win their national pageant and qualify for Miss Universe 2013.

Jenna made it to the Top 15 in Miss Canada Universe 2012 a few months ago.  Kylan Wenzel was one of 229 contestants who recently attempted to win the always tough Miss California USA pageant.

As of this writing 19 women have already qualified for Miss Universe 2013  with more national pageants yet to be conducted including the Miss USA 2013 one in June.  

There won't be a trans contestant at Miss USA 2013 because all 50 state pageants and the Miss District of Columbia one have been conducted, so the first trans Miss USA contestant is on hold until 2014..   

But moving to the Philippines.   They had Janine Tugonon finish as a first runner up in the 2012 Miss Universe competition and Kevin Balot bring the 2012 Miss Universal Queen title back to this pageant mad nation from Thailand. 

24 year old Miriam Jimenez was a semifinalist in that same 2012 Miss International Queen trans pageant, and there were unconfirmed rumors that she had entered Binibining Pilipinas that were posted on several blogs.

But when the January 22 deadline passed to submit entry forms they turned out to be false.  Ms. Jimenez sad to say won't be competing this year.

I was hoping the rumors were true along with many of my transpinay sisters and girls like us around the world, but looks like it's also wait until 2014 to see if a transpinay steps up and attempts to enter Binibining Pilipinas.

And in the meantime, still more than a few nations like Singapore who opened their pageant doors to trans contestants who haven't conducted their national pageants yet.   

Monday, January 28, 2013

Morehouse College LBGT History Course Starts Today

HBCU's need to send the unmistakable message to their faculty, current and future students, alumni, and the communities they serve that discrimination against LGBT students on HBCU campuses will not be tolerated, they have inclusive and welcoming campuses, and they are willing to include LGBT students in their ongoing missions to uplift the race through educational achievement.

TransGriot July 23, 2012 'HBCU's Better Recognize Black TBLG Students Exist '

In a remarkable advance for a campus that in the 90's was considered one of the Most Homophobic by the Princeton Review, Morehouse College's first ever LGBT history course got started today. 

The student initiated course is entitled
"A Genealogy of Black LGBT Culture and Politics" and meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.   It has the goal of outlining various concepts in Black feminism, cultural theories, and the methodology behind them.

SafeSpace, the campus gay-straight alliance and student advocacy organization partnered with former Morehouse student and Yale University professor Dr. Jafari Allen in order to bring the idea to fruition.

Allen is teaching the course t his semester via video conference from Yale and s
tudent reaction to the groundbreaking class has been positive.   More than 20 people registered for the class; with some of them coming from neighboring all-female Spelman College.

It will be interesting to see how this class evolves as the semester plays out.   There will also be interested observers inside and outside the ATL watching to see if there will be more LGBT class offerings on the campus that proudly claims Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr as an alum.

Five Arrested And Charged With Murder Of Black Transman

The case of Evon Young, a 22 year old transman who has been missing in Milwaukee, WI since January 1 has taken a horrifying turn.

Five men, one of them being Young's roommate, were arrested and charged with first degree intentional homicide.

Young, who was a local rapper known as 'Yung LT' was last seen on New Year's Day near North 52nd St and West Custer Avenue according to a Wisconsin Gazette.com report   

Young failed to report for work that day and his mother filed a missing person's report January 2 with the Milwaukee Police Department.

The criminal complaint states that investigators suspect Young was killed in the basement of the residence he shared with Griffin in what began as a gang re-initiation test for Griffin.

According to the complaint, Young and Griffin were home when the door bell rang. Stewart and Mcalister were at the door, along with Allen and Seaberry. The men entered and went into the kitchen, where an argument ensued.

Griffin allegedly told police that the men began to punch Young and said the victim could not be trusted. Young then was led to the basement, where the attackers choked Young with a chain. Then they placed a plastic bag over his head, rendering Young unconscious. The assailants beat and shot Young, possibly as many as three times. Mcalister allegedly fired the weapon.

Authorities allege the basement was cleaned with beach. Evidence collected in the crime includes DNA, blood, burned clothing and a chain. 

Both Griffin and Stewart allegedly made admissions to police, who were searching a landfill on January 23 for Young's body, which the men allegedly placed in a dumpster.

Charged in the case are Young's roommate Billy R. Griffin, 26, Victor Stewart, 27, Ashanti Mcalister, 19,   Ron Joseph Allen, 37, and Devin L. Seaberry, 23..

The defendants are scheduled for a preliminary hearing in this case on January 31.

H/T Lexie Cannes Guerrilla Angel Report

Why Y'alll STILL Hatin' On Beyonce?

Frankly, I think a lot of the industrial sized Hateraid that's directed at Beyonce Giselle Knowles stems from jealousy. She's living what seems like a fairy-tale life. She's breathtakingly beautiful but down to earth. She's won Grammys. She sings the national anthem at the 2004 Super Bowl played in our hometown. She has a wealthy boyfriend in Jay-Z. She just became the first non-athlete, non-model and the second African-American woman to do the coveted Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue cover solo. If I'd come up with her story as the basis for a fiction novel people would roll their eyes and claim it's unrealistic.

TransGriot 'Why Y'all Hatin' On Beyonce'   February 20, 2007.

It's been a week since the inauguration in which she did a kick azz rendition of the national anthem and  looked good doing so until US Marine Corps band member Master Sgt. Kristin duBois mysteriously opened her mouth and accused her of lip syncing it.   

Still have to ask the things that make you go hmm questions as to what motivated Sgt duBois to do so in the first place.  I'd also like to know more about her accuser Sgt duBois down to her ethnic background.. 

I also find it interesting that duBois and the media were quick to claim Kelly Clarkson wasn't lip syncing, but felt the need to pile on Beyonce Knowles-Carter. 

Even Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who is head of the Joint committee that organizes the inauguration event is reportedly demanding an apology. 

Careful Chuck, Jay Z is a New York resident and probably won't be too happy that you're joining in the media feeding frenzy and fake controversy aimed at his wife.  He may remember that when you show up at his office in 2016 trying to get a contribution for your reelection campaign  

So what's up with the hatin' on Beyonce meme that seems to be fueling this kefluffle along with the deep seated conservaneed to do something to embarrass the POTUS?

Some of you peeps just live for hatin' on Beyonce, whether it's the feminist community , the gossip blogosphere, or just you peeps full of foaming at the mouth jealously that Beyonce in her 31 years on the planet has been blessed many times over.

You peeps hating on Beyonce isn't going to change the fact she has a daughter, married a man that is worth $500 million, has $200 million of her own money in the bank, had a trophy case full of awards, and will be the halftime entertainer at this year's Super Bowl.

And she's once again is going to look fabulous doing it.

Creating Change 2014 Is Finally Houston Bound!

The curtain has closed on another wildly successful Creating Change Conference in the ATL, and now the hosting torch for this premier community event is being passed to my hometown for 2014.

I can tell you right now the Houston rainbow community and yours truly are ecstatic that it is coming here. We are immensely proud of our world class international city which is the largest in Texas and with 2.2 million citizens residing here the fourth largest in the nation.   We're looking forward to having you 3500 plus peeps who attended the 2013 edition of Creating Change join us here in H-town from January 29-February 2, 2014. 

I mentioned in the post I wrote not long after I attended a local interest meeting for it last June, Mayor Parker, the Convention and Visitor's Bureau and our local TBLG community really wanted this event, especially since that little burg 262 miles up I-45 from us has hosted it twice

Yeah, there's no let up in the civic competition between Houston and our state's third largest city, and I can say with certainty that we Houstonians are determined to exceed what Dallas did in 2010. 

What a lot of people don't realize is that Houston has a long and proud progressive history.and the Lone Star imprint on GLBT history has a Houston flavor as well.  

'The Houston GLBT Political Caucus that was founded in 1975 is the oldest such GLBT political organization in the South. The Lawrence v Texas Supreme Court case that took down US sodomy laws had its origins here.  

We have groundbreaking GL leaders such as Ray Hill, the late Rep.Barbara Jordan and Mayor Annise Parker who call our 628 square miles of southeast Texas soil home.  

Transgender history also has a Houston flavor to it as well thanks to a major assist by 'The Godmother of the Trans Civil Rights Movement' in Judge Phyllis Frye.  

There are three living IFGE Trinity Award winners (Phyllis Frye, Vanessa Edwards Foster and moi) that reside inside the Houston city limits.  A fourth Trinity was won by the late Brenda Thomas. 

Some of the early trans community leadership was epicentered in Houston or cut their early activist teeth here like blogger and trans historian Katrina Rose.

We Houston transpeople also have a propensity for starting conferences that fulfill trans community needs of the moment.  ICTLEP was started here by Phyllis in 1992 and now we have the Texas Transgender Non Discrimination Summit that Josephine started in 2009. 

The leadership tradition Judge Frye, Jackie Thorne, Jane Ellen Fairfax and Sarah DePalma started continues with Vanessa Edwards Foster, Lou Weaver, Josephine Tittsworth, Jenifer Rene Pool, Cristan Williams and some award winning African-American blogger y'all might have heard about    

When it comes to the female illusionist and pageant world, Houston is a hotbed for that as well. 

1999 Miss Continental titleholder Tommie Ross, 2012 Miss Gay US of A Lawanda Jackson  Hot Chocolate, the late Naomi Sims, the late Michael Andrews, Shawnna Brooks and Chevelle Brooks are either from here or honed their skills in this area before moving on to fame, fortune and titles elsewhere.  In the development pipeline are more talented people in our Montrose gayborhood clubs who keep that proud tradition going. 

And yes, been a while (1999) since I've attended a Creating Change.  Various schedule conflicts and challenges have kept me from attending my second one.  Many of you let me know last weekend how much you missed me in the ATL and the feeling was mutual.  

Now Creating Change its finally coming to my hometown for the first time ever and I couldn't be happier about it.  

I and the Houston GLBT community are chomping at the bit for next January to roll around.  We're ready to roll out the pink carpet for you folks who want to experience some of our world famous Texas hospitality and help facilitate a Creating Change that will help you build your activist organizing skills, friendships, and knowledge base at the same time.

And oh yeah, when you get here, make sure you sample some Blue Bell ice cream before you leave.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

WWLT-TV, I Find Your Lack Of AP Stylebook Trans Understanding Disturbing

Why in Hades is it so hard for professional journalists to get this breathtakingly simple concept?

Per the AP Stylebook:

transgender-Use the pronoun preferred by the individuals who have acquired the physical characteristics of the opposite sex or present themselves in a way that does not correspond with their sex at birth.

If that preference is not expressed, use the pronoun consistent with the individuals live publicly.

Once again (sigh), we have another example of media misgendering of a transperson.

This person is being sought by the New Orleans po-po's as a suspect in a French Quarter robbery.   BTW, if you have info in that regard, call New Orleans Crimestoppers

But back to riffing on the media again.   WWLT-TV's report was in violation of the AP Stylebook guidelines for reporting on trans people.  Since they have shown no aptitude for being able to read the English language version of the AP Stylebook  the TransGriot is going to have to go back to her earlier blog policy of showing them by example how it should have been done.

(Moni cracks knuckles)

NEW ORLEANS - Police are searching for a suspect they describe as a transgender female who they say robbed a man while walking on Bourbon St.

According to police, the robbery happened early Tuesday morning at around 5:25.

According to police spokesman, Frank Robertson, the suspect reportedly approached the victim and tried to start a conversation, then two other suspects appeared, and attacked the man. They then took his wallet and money.

Police say they are searching for a Transgender African American female, 5’07” to 6’00” tall, in her mid-20’s to early 30’s. If you have any information that could help police, call CRIMESTOPPERS at 822-1111.


See, now that wasn't so hard was it WWLT-TV?    You might as well start now practicing how to get these descriptions of trans people consistently right since you have a large concentration of my trans peeps in the New Orleans metro area.    It will not be the first or last time you have to accurately report on a trans person in New Orleans, so get used to doing it. . 

And since it's more accurate, it might even lead to the capture of said suspect instead of the confusion you sowed when you wrote the aforementioned piece describing a person with a feminine gender presentation as a man.

This Week In The 2013 Texas Lege-Week Ending January 25

For my Texas readers, I'm going to start posting the Equality Texas weekly legislative updates on the blog until the session is over.   We must be aware of what the heck is going on in Austin, especially since the Republicans control both the Texas House and Senate and Governor Goodhair is still occupying the governor's mansion..

Equality Texas' Daniel Williams will be bringing you these weekly updates, and here is the one for the week ending January 25, 2013.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Listening To Jazz

The video of the ABC 20/20 appearance with Jazz and her family finally got posted, so I get the opportunity to share it with you TransGriot readers.

Here's the update to the story of one amazing girl like us and advocate for transgender kids..

Trans Organist T. Desiree Hines Passes Away

Was stunned and saddened to hear the news from Tona Brown that trans organist T. Desiree Hines passed away January 24 due to the Stage Four neuroendocrine cancer she was bravely battling.

I had the pleasure of having a few long conversations with her, and when I last checked in with Desiree she had moved to Kansas City, MO, was playing the organ at Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and had started her studies at the Conservatory of Music at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Before moving to Kansas City she was a well known fixture in the Philadelphia TBLG community.  But mere months into her KC stay she received the devastating medical news last March. 

Despite that the Jackson, MS native stayed upbeat about her situation and fought it tooth and nail despite the long odds until the end.

"When I'm sick, it affects me. But it is actually given me a better outlook on life, more drive to be a better person, a better musician," Hines said.

Rest in Peace Desiree.   Heaven just picked up one heck of an organist.   You will be missed. 

President Obama's Message To Creating Change 2013

President Obama sent his taped greetings to the 3500 attendees of Creating Change down in the ATL.


Juror Non-Discrimination Act Introduced

I've had the honor and pleasure to serve on juries three times in my life   I did so once at the county court level and twice at the municipal level in Houston.  

Two of those times it has happened for me post-transition, and as much as I was looking forward to seeing how Kentucky went about conducting jury duty and comparing and contrasting it with how it's done in Texas, I was never called in the eight years I lived there. 

Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) has introduced a bill in Congress to make sure all TBLG citizens can do what I had the pleasure of doing.   Before you start griping, I'm going to give you a little food for thought in this post as to why you should be supporting this bill.   

The Juror Non Discrimination Act Rep Davis introduced with 14 cosponsors prohibits a person from being removed from a jury because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Serving on a jury is one of America’s most cherished civic duties,” Rep. Davis said. “It is unjust to exclude a particular group of people from participating in civil society because of whom they love or what they look like. The federal government already prohibits juror discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and economic status and as we pursue greater equality for all Americans, I believe LGBT Americans should be also be free from juror discrimination.”

It's also a major problem that denies GLBT citizens a jury of their peers should they find themselves in courtroom seeking justice, as a defendant in a case or simply exercising their opportunity to engage in public service like I've had the opportunity to do post-transition.

And let's be real for a moment.   If you were seeking justice in a courtroom, wouldn't you want as many people from the rainbow community as possible sitting in that jury box?  You would also want SGL and trans community members fighting on your behalf in the deliberation room dispelling myths and misconceptions about our community that could potentially adversely affect the verdict you get.

I've seen far too many murderers of trans women get what amounts to a legal slap on the wrist for their crimes and I believe the lack of TBLG people on these juries plays into that.

A bipartisan Senate companion bill sponsored by Sen Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)  Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) was also filed called the Jury Access for Capable Citizens and Equality in Service Selection Act..  The ACCESS Act  prohibits attorneys from seeking to strike potential federal jurors based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.  

Senator Shaheen noted when she introduced this bill, “Our country is founded on the principles of inclusion, acceptance, and equality.  The jury selection process in federal courts should reflect those principles.”

If we LGBT people are going to demand human rights coverage in our nation's laws, one of the taxes we pay for that is jury service.  

If we deserve a jury of our peers when we access the justice system, we need to have some of our LGBT peers sitting on those juries.

Two M&M Ms. Brown Commercials

I love the M&M commercials featuring their new spokescandy and Chief Chocolate Officer Ms..Brown, who is voiced by one of my fave triple threat talents in singer-actress Vanessa L. Williams.

Here are two of the latest M&M spots featuring Ms. Brown 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Joanne Cassar Is Still Fighting For Her Human Rights

I've been curious to find out what has been transpiring in Joanne Cassar of Malta's life since I wrote my last post on her now seven year roller coaster battle for her right to marry that started in 2006.  

She took her case to the European Court of Human Rights where it was heard in July 2012, and she is now awaiting a ruling on it. 

Still haven't seen anything yet concerning a ruling from the ECHR, but did stumble across a recent Times of Malta article featuring her and detailing some of the foul transphobic crap that has been aimed her way in that European island nation as she fights for her human rights.

In the past the 31-year-old, who underwent gender reassignment surgery nine years ago, has even been beaten up because of who she is. The latest violent episode was three years ago when she was at a carnival party in Gozo.  

“I was walking off the dance floor. I was hit on the head with a bottle and kicked in my chest and stomach. They stole my bag,” she recalled, adding she did not see the point in filing a police report.
“What would I get out of it? I’d end up having to go to court repeatedly… and if I had to file a report each time I’m insulted, I might as well move into the police station,” she said.

“When I sense trouble I tell the bouncer or leave the club, even if it means crying myself to sleep. I try to make it look like I don’t care, but I do. Some people hate people like me and I don’t know why,” she said.

“But my greatest disappointment is that we are in 2013 and I’ve been fighting for a human right for seven years,” she said, referring to a pending case before the European Court of Human Rights where she is fighting for the right to marry.

Yeah, I feel your pain Joanne.  And that's why we're fighting all over the globe to make trans human rights a reality all over the planet so our transkids don't have to endure the crap we've had to deal with.  .


Shut Up Fool Awards-Creating Change ATL Edition

The 25th edition of The National Conference on LGBT Equality kicked off on the 23rd.  It will have over 3500 people from around the country and the world descending on the ATL for this skills buildings event chock full of seminars, workshops and other events this weekend.

I'm bummed I'm not there for Creating Change 2013 and it's been a long time since I attended one (1999 in Oakland), but if the rumors are true, Moni will be at Creating Change 2014 in full effect

Today is also Friday people, and y'all know what that means.   It's time for me to pass out this week's Shut Up Fool Awards.   Since January 30, 2009 every week without fail at 12 noon CT I chronicle tot fool, fools or group of fools exhibiting jaw dropping ignorance, conscientious stupidity, unrepentant hypocrisy and WTF moments that just scream out for me to shine the TransGriot spotlight on it.

So let's get busy.

Honorable mention number one goes to Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R)  who claims that no Americans are forced to go without health care.    Yeah, right.   How do you explain the 48.6 million Americans who don't have heath care on a regular basis right now and their only health care plan is 'Don't Get Sick?' 

Honorable mention number two goes to Sen Rand Paul (Teabagger-KY), who made himself look like a complete azz (as usual) on national television in his clash with outgoing Secretary of  State Hillary Clinton in Thursday's Benghazi hearings.    He claimed that if he had been president he would have fired Sec. Clinton.

Dude, first, what makes you think that reality based Americans would EVER elect you as president?  Second point is what makes you think that Sec. Clinton would want to serve under you in that capacity?

Honorable mention number three is a group award for all the GOP legislators in the House and Senate who made themselves look like buffoons trying to score political points attacking Secretary Clinton over the Benghazi attack that killed 4 people.   Never mind the fact it was their party who cut funding to the State Department that goes to embassy and diplomatic outpost security in the first place. 

This week's winner is Rep James Lankford (R-OK).  He gave us a double sized portion of ignorance when he said at an OKC town hall meeting in response to an irate constituent rumored to be gaybaiting Oklahoma state Rep Silly Sally Kern that he wanted to use the 'power of humiliation'  to undermine a substance abuse program that help LGBT individuals.

CONSTITUENT: I want to know if you’re aware of the Substances and Mental Health Services Administration that has a book called the Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Individuals.


CONSTITUENT: They are going around the nation, they just did this here in Oklahoma, December 7th, and having conferences that are educational. [...] About 2 percent of the conference is dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues. 98 percent is doing indoctrination or pushing the homosexual agenda. This is what our president is doing. He has a federal agency doing it. Our state, the Oklahoma Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department, put this conference on and is indoctrinating our citizens who are totally against this. Is there any way you can look into this?

LANKFORD: Oh yes, sure. You know I can absolutely get a chance to take a look at it. We’ll start the process, try to see what we can do to identify it. Some of those things you have the power of humiliation where you can raise it and put in sunlight. They love functioning in the dark. You put some sunlight on it, that does help. But, we’ll see. I’m glad to take that on.

During that same January 22 town hall meeting, he blamed gun violence on 'welfare moms'

And this is from the Number 5 man in the House Republican leadership. Is it November 2014 yet?

Rep. James Lankford, Shut up Fool!

IKEA Apologizes For Transphobic Thai Commercial

The Swedish based furniture giant IKEA is one of my fave places to shop for furniture, and it's where I bought much of my furniture for my first apartment back in the 90's.   One of those IKEA pieces I purchased back then at their Katy Freeway store is my current computer desk that has held up quite well through multiple moves.  

IKEA has had a positive reputation in the past for some positive trans inclusive commercials, so it was a shock to me when I read about this IKEA Thailand holiday one the Thai Transgender Alliance was protesting because of the stereotypical way the transwoman was portrayed. 

The commercial shows a couple strolling through an IKEA store when her voice suddenly goes into a masculine range that outs her as trans.  Her date then distances himself from her and eventually runs away from her as she continues to happily shop for IKEA products. 

As Reuters reported in terms of the brewing controversy, "The 20-second commercial shown on YouTube and on Bangkok's trains in December and January entitled 'Luem Aeb' ('Forget to Keep Hidden'), was disrespectful to transsexuals, according to the Thai Transgender Alliance and demanded an explanation from IKEA.

IKEA opened their first store in Thailand in November 2011 and the advertisement was part of a group of commercials for a holiday sale. 

The January 9 Thai Transgender Alliance complaint resulted in conversations with IKEA Thailand marketing officials that resulted in the apology letter the Thai Transgender Alliance posted on their Facebook page.

For those of you who are wondering why that commercial upset our Thai transisters and the international trans community, once again it played upon as the punchline for the humor in the ad the meme that trans women are people you are supposed to be fearful of or embarrassed to be around.  That is dehumanizing to Thai transwomen and their sisters around the globe.

And the dehumanization of transwomen is nothing to laugh at, especially in a commercial   .

Another Record TransGriot Hit Day!

January 23, 2013 was a big day for me on this blog.   I had 8999 people surf over to TransGriot to check out the post that contains the 'Sadie's Dream For The World ' essay she wrote.   

That is now the second highest total of people I've ever had to visit this blog all time.  It is only exceeded by the 9678 of you that did so on April 3, 2012.  

As a matter of fact, at the moment I'm compiling this post that essay alone has been read by over 5700 people since I posted it on January 22.  

The Thanks, Sadie! post has drawn another 800 people and counting to the blog to read it.

Thank you Sadie once again for speaking your mind and your unabashed pride in being a girl like us. Our community could use a lot more adult girls like us with your courage to stand tall for themselves and the trans community.  I have no doubts you achieve some fantastic things when you get older.  

Sage, as her proud mom for you, thank you and Sadie for allowing me to post it so that Sadie's words got the now national and international attention they deserved.

Thank you TransGriot readers who continue to tell me from time to time how much you appreciate what I do here.  I couldn't have achieved that number two all time high without y'all taking time out of your busy days to check out what I write here.  

And trust me, there's more thought provoking commentary to come before this year is concluded. 

TransGriot Update:  January 24 was another record day with 8573 people surfing by the blog.  That's now my third highest all time traffic day.

Jazz Accepts Trevor Foundation Colin Higgins Youth Courage Award

As Scripture says, and a little child shall lead them.  

Y'all know how much I love Jazz.  Even though this happened back on June 25, 2012, wanted to post something about her becoming the youngest person at age 11 to receive the Trevor Foundation's Colin Higgins Youth Courage Award.

Jazz has been an activist and voice for for trans kids since she was six.  In the wake of being denied the opportunity to play in her local soccer youth league because of transphobia, she spent two years getting the US Soccer Federation to craft policies that will allow transkids to play the beautiful game.

Well done and can't think of a better person for the Trevor Foundation to honor with this award. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

GOP Keeps Forgetting Hillary Is From Chicago

If the GOP thought that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be a pushover in the Benghazi hearings they held yesterday in the House and Senate or they would be able to do a preemptive political strikes in advance of the 2016 presidential race, they thought wrong (as usual)

One of the many miscalulations they made yesterday is forgetting that Secretary Clinton is way smarter than the average Republican these days.  She has a 67% approval rating that cuts across race, ethnicity and gender and most importantly, they forgot Hillary D. Rodham Clinton is from Chicago.  .

Enjoy her eviscerating the conservafools

NBJC And TPOCC Are In The Creating Change ATL House!

For those of you in the ATL attending Creating Change 2013, my family members at the National Black Justice Coalition and the Trans Persons Of Color Coalition are part of the over 3500 people in the Hilton Atlanta house taking part in this 25th annual gathering nd skills building conference. 

NBJC and TPOCC staff and leadership are there to present some exciting seminars and panel discussions that will take place on Friday and Saturday.   If you wish to see and participate in the events sponsored by these stellar organizations, you can head to the host hotel which is located at 255 Courtland Street NE  Atlanta, GA 30303 and register for Creating Change. .

You can also follow on Facebook and Twitter  ' Like" NBJC on Facebook to check out photos of NBJC at this year's Creating Change. Follow us on Twitter @NBJContheMove and the hash tags #NBJContheMove #CC13 for the NBJC live tweets and photos!

For TPOCC, you can also like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter @TransPOCC and follow their hash tags #CC13 and #TPOCCatCC13.

NBJC blank header, 800x100

A Morning With NBJC:
LGBT Emerging Leaders Briefing
Friday, January 25
9:00am - 10:30am

As an introduction to the work of the National Black Justice Coalition, this presentation is an opportunity for LGBT emerging leaders and stakeholders to meet, network and engage. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the NBJC staff and leadership, learn about NBJC's overall mission and strategy, and become acquainted with our specific programs for Black LGBT youth including the Emerging Leaders Council, the White House Policy Briefing for Black LGBT Emerging Leaders, and the NBJC Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) LGBT-Equality Initiative.

National Mobilization Meeting for 50th Anniversary
of 1963 March Washington
Friday, January 25
3:00pm - 6:15pm 

Join the NBJC Bayard Rustin 2013 Commemoration Project as we mobilize and engage LGBTA campuses and communities to take part in 2013 year-long series of international events to mark the 50th anniversary year of the historic 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom, held August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC and coordinated by black gay activist Bayard Rustin. In addition to strategy brainstorming sessions in preparation for the anniversary, this workshop will include a 2013 master calendar of activities, a presentation of film clips of the 1963 March, a list of Bayard Rustin resources, and an organizing kit.
Presenter: Mandy Carter, National Coordinator
    NBJC Bayard Rustin 2013 Commemoration Project

NBJC Logo  

Beyond 2012: Crafting an Agenda for the Black LGBT Community 
Saturday, January 26
10:45am - 12:15pm  

This past administration has made historic accomplishments as it pertains to the advancement of equality for LGBT people in this nation.

From the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, to the signing of the Affordable Care Act, and the President publicly expressing his support for same-sex marriage, it cannot be denied that there were significant political gains on behalf of the LGBT community. As we enter into a new presidential administration and congressional make-up, what are our political goals? What adjustments need to be made to our strategy and messaging? How do we maintain the political gains of the last administration?
Trans Women of Color: The Sisterhood
Saturday, January 26
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Trans women of color are targets for hate violence and murder on the streets in this country. While the violence happens worldwide the focus will be on the hate experienced in the United States. What can we do to prevent these hate attacks and murders? Please join us as we work together to come up with solutions and share ideas to prevent the hate violence within and from outside of the community.

Moderator: Kylar Broadus, Founder, Trans People of Color Coalition (TPOCC)

'The New Black' Documentary Screening
Saturday, January 26
4:45pm - 6:15pm

Excerpts from The New Black -- a forthcoming documentary that uncovers the complicated and often combative histories of the African-American and LGBT civil-rights movements -- will be screened at this year's Creating Change conference. Specifically, the film examines homophobia in the black community's institutional pillar - the black church and reveals the Christian right wing's strategy of exploiting this phenomenon in order to pursue an anti-gay political agenda.


It's Not 'Unwarranted Bitching' To Point Out Trans Peeps Weren't Mentioned In The POTUS' Speech

One of the snide comments that is coming from elements of the gay and lesbian community in the wake of the President Obama's historic speech and trans folks pointing out we weren't mentioned in the speech is we need to stop engaging in as this person put it, 'unwarranted bitching'.

Hmm, the rainbow scented cisprivilege is strong with you, isn't it? 

It's not 'unwarranted bitching', it's the trans community speaking an unpalatable truth that y'all GL peeps want to deflect by handing out rainbow flag wrapped white chocolate candy bars and trying to denigrate us for pointing out the obvious. 

Transpeople also spent time, effort and precious money in 2012 getting this president elected to a second term.

It would have meant a lot to the trans community if we had heard our president echo what Vice President Biden said during the campaign about the trans movement being the civil rights issue of our time or just acknowledging we exist in the 60th anniversary year of Christine Jorgensen returning from Denmark to New York.  .  

Rev. David Weekly also had this to say about the trans community feeling politically Left Behind again at his Sherman's Wilderness blog

I do not know the person who made this comment. I do not know what letter of the TLGBQIA population describes him, if any. What I do know is that I remember and participated in raging protests and marches with the gay and lesbian community for decades over similar frustrations about exclusion and discrimination. I have preached inclusivity in every church I ever served. I have marched in Pride parades, phone-banked for Marriage Equality, and protested and testified during legislative sessions in more than one state house. I listened to friends lament the secret support of other administrations, who hired gay and lesbian staff under a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. It was not enough for them, either. This time around, I am grateful my gay and lesbian friends have a President willing to claim them by name, out loud, and proud.

And this is my point. Friends are proud to name one another. Friends stand-up for each other, defend one another, and protect each other from harm. While I well understand the consequences of political fall-out from being too progressive, too inclusive, and too far ahead of our current culture; I still do not feel good about the word “transgender” being left out. This is not “unwarranted bitching:” this is grief.

Check out the post here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thanks, Sadie!

It would be a better world if everyone knew that transgender people have the same hopes and dreams as everyone else. We like to make friends and want to go to school. Transgender people want to get good jobs and go to doctors like they are exactly the same. It really isn't that hard to like transgender people because we are like everyone else."  Sadie, January 21, 2013 

Little did I know when I posted a  transkid's essay on my blog yesterday expressing her dream for the world it would take off like it did and go viral..

Sadie's essay is now up at HuffPo and there's a nice story about this young girl like us along with some photos.. .

My  thoughts when I first saw it was that it needed to be read by a wider audience.  It also encapsulated the conflicting emotions I and a lot of trans people were feeling in the wake of President Obama's second inaugural speech and witnessing him give a shoutout to the GL community in front of the nation and the entire world.

And yes, it was a trans youngling fearlessly speaking her mind through the power of the written word..

Make no mistake about it, President Obama has been the most trans friendly president in American history.  There's a lot of trans affirmative policy that has come out of his administration during his first term that has helped our community and I expect that we'll see more of the same in this second one.  It's why we transfolks busted our butts in the 2008 and 2012 campaign seasons and donated our T-bills to help him get elected twice.  

Yes, actions speak louder than words. But it bothered me that our transkids didn't get to have the affirming moment that gay and lesbian kids did of seeing and hearing the leader of their nation specifically mention them in his inauguration speech.  

To me that was important especially after the antics of the British Transphobic Troika exploded on the other side of The Pond in the weeks leading up to the inauguration and our TERF's trying to join the transphobic party.

I submit that because of the overwhelming transphobic negativity that transkids see and hear aimed at their trans elders and themselves, it is vitally important for them to develop a bedrock sense of self esteem and pride in who they are as trans human beings.  It's also important that they learn how to be fearless in speaking their minds, even if they are at times a minority of one.

It's why I and a lot of trans elders wished in that inauguration moment President Obama had said the T-word in his speech.   It's important for us and our transkids to hear our president that we helped get elected SAY it like gay and lesbian people, their kids, and more importantly the nation and the world got to hear Monday. 

Sadie's essay was important on another level.   It reminds us trans elders who we are really fighting for besides ourselves when we seek to pass trans human rights coverage. Hopefully when we adults start having drama with each other, we'll think about Sadie's essay and immediately return to having a laser like focus on the trans human rights prize.  

Thanks Sadie, for reminding us that your dream is also ours as well, and we have much work to do right now to ensure that your dream is a reality by the time you hit adulthood.

It's also a reminder to myself and the transcommunity that we not only need to be paying attention to the wise words of our trans elders, but the wise words of trans kids like yourself as well.

2013 Williams Watch-End Of The Aussie Open Title Chases

The title chases for the Williams sisters Down Under came to a screeching halt in the Australian Open quarterfinals.

In doubles, Big and Little Sis fell to the Italian duo of Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci 6-3, 6-7 (5-7) 5-7 to end their chance to take home their fifth Australian Open doubles crown.. 

Then a few hours later Serena faced rising newcomer Sloane Stephens with a trip to the semis to take on Victoria Azarenka in the balance.

In the first set looked like Little Sis was going to send the 19 year old fellow American to the sidelines, taking only 29 minutes to win the first set 6-3.   But after opening up a 2-0 lead in the second set Stephens began to fight back and live up to her growing rep as 'the next Serena'.   She chased down shots and frequently made successful foray to the net for drop shop winners that kept her in the set and gave her chances to break Serena's serve.

Stephens caught another break with Little Sis leading 4-3 in the second set when Serena suffered a back spasm while trying to avoid running into the net. 

The injury basically took away Serena's formidable serve for several games and allowed Stephens to pounce on it, climb back into the match and take the second set.

Serena started recovering from the back spasm in the third set but by that point young Stephens wasn't intimidated by her idol and stayed close until she broke Serena again for the deciding set win. 

6-3, 5-7, 4-6.  It was the first loss for Serena in a Grand Slam since the 2012 French Open, ended her chance at another Serena Slam, and was the first time she's lost to an American teenage tennis player since 1999.

And for the haters gloating about this loss, all I have to say about it is remember what happened the last time Serena lost in a Grand Slam tournament.   She won Wimbledon, the Olympics and the US Open.

See y'all in Paris in May.. 

Creating Change 2013 Starts Today In The ATL

In a few hours the 2013 edition of Creating Change will kick off in the ATL (and nope, won't be there for it.) at the Hilton Atlanta hotel.  

This latest edition of the conference will start later today and run until January 27.  If you are in the Atlanta metro area and can attend, I highly recommend you do so.

The 1999 Creating Change conference I attended in Oakland that year jump started my development as an activist. It was a great place to meet many of the people inside and outside the rainbow community human rights rights movement that I collaborated with for various projects over the years.

And it was a lot of fun, too. 

It's also one of those TBLG conferences in which you will see a cross section of people from 18-80 all in one spot.  Creating Change is so packed full of amazing seminars, workshops and panel discussions your toughest decision will be which ones to attend.

One workshop you may consider attending will be conducted by the National Black Justice Coalition, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary year . NBJC will be conducting two workshops on January 25 and 26

The ATL also has some amazing attractions away from the hotel to visit such as the MLK Center, the Carter Presidential Center, CNN headquarters, and the World of Coca-Cola just to name a few.

Wish the Task Force and the local organizing committee much success.