Speaker Boehner & Leader Cantor Praise GPO for Providing Bulk Access to House Bills in XML

WASHINGTON, DC – The Government Printing Office (GPO) today announced that House bills for the 113th Congress are now available for bulk download in XML at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/bulkdata/. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) released a joint statement praising GPO and noting that additional open government initiatives are coming in the months ahead.

“Thanks to GPO, all House bills for this Congress will be available in one XML file that can be downloaded by anyone. This is a win for every American who believes in open government. Making legislative data easier to use for third parties, developers, and anyone interested in how Congress is tackling current challenges is a priority for House leaders. We’re going to keep working to make the legislative process more transparent and to better connect lawmakers with the people we serve.”

In 2011, Speaker Boehner and Leader Cantor called for the adoption of new electronic data standards to make legislative information more open and accessible. With those standards in place, the House created the Legislative Branch Bulk Data Task Force in 2012 to expedite the process of providing bulk access to legislative information and to increase transparency for the American people.

The availability of House bills for bulk download is the second project unveiled in the 113th Congress that was coordinated or initiated by the bulk data task force. Earlier this week, the Office of the Clerk announced that full sessions of House floor summaries are now available for bulk download as well.

Learn more about the task force here and read the full release from GPO here.


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Tags: Open House