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Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Due to the enormous volume of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), MSHA is providing you with links to sites that provide MSDS.

Links to these sites should in no way be construed as an endorsement of the provider. We are providing these links for informational purposes only.

Vermont SIRI MSDS Archive

    Over 100,000 msds files, freely accessible. Also, this site is a guide to using the Internet to find occupational and environmental safety information. It includes: information about and access to the archives of the safety-related e-mail lists; the Vt SIRI Safety File Library of text and graphics files; information about MSDS's available on the Internet; and links to other safety and health web sites.
Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator
      As Presented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    View a listing of chemicals that are monitored by EPA's Major Program Systems: Air (AFS), Water (PCS), Hazardous Waste (RCRIS), Superfund (CERCLIS) and Toxics Release Inventory (TRIS). Also, a complete listing of all chemical references. You may also search the full text of information offered from the EMCI Chemical References Web Pages.