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Wagner Scoop Coal Diesel Equipment
Health and Safety

We are providing you this page in an attempt to consolidate all the information that MSHA has on its web site regarding Diesel Equipment Health and Safety. We are providing you with "Quick Links" to some of the documents. We would like your input on this page. What works, what doesn't and what you would like to see. Please address your constructive comments and ideas to the webmaster at Webmaster.

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Diesel Equipment
Quick Links

Approved Products
Approval and Certification Center Lists of Approved Products
MSHA Approved Diesel Engines, Power Packages and Equipment
Fuses That Provide Protection in Compliance
With § 75.1910 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f)
General Information
Ansul Dry Chem Fill Level Bulletin and Paper
    Important Semi-Annual Maintenance Update

    ANSUL has received several inquiries regarding the proper dry chemical fill levels to be expected during routine semi-annual maintenance of A-101 vehicle suppression system tanks. As a result of these inquiries, a review of this issue has taken place. Related material may be found below.

        See Bulletin     See Paper
Diesel Inspection of Underground Coal Mine Equipment
Wagner Model LST-5S Scoop
    A Microsoft Powerpoint®presentation. This product is primarily designed for trainers, maintenance personnel, and industry safety inspectors, and may also be beneficial for others who work in a mine where this type of equipment is used.
DieselNet - Diesel Emissions Online
Information Regarding Diesel Regulations
Investigative Report - Diesel Wet Scrubber - Flashing Headlight Warning Circuit
    MSHA's Approval and Certification Center presents a design of an electrical control circuit that will flash the headlights of permissible diesel powered equipment when the water in the wet exhaust conditioner system is nearly depleted. The flashing headlights will warn the machine operator that the system water is low and will allow adequate time for the operator to tram to a water source and replenish the water before the machine's safety system shuts down the diesel engine. The permissible electric flashing headlight control circuit was designed for easy retrofit into the existing machine lighting circuit. Field testing of the design at two underground coal mines proved the circuit's mine worthiness in addition to its acceptability as a warning device to the miners operating the diesel powered equipment.

  • Microsoft Word® Version / PDF Version
The Diesel Toolbox - The Final Version
Compliance Guides
Compliance Guide for MSHA's Regulations on Diesel-Powered Equipment
Used in Undergound Coal Mines
Compliance Guide II for MSHA's Regulations on Diesel-Powered Equipment
Used in Undergound Coal Mines
This is a supplement to the Compliance Guide issued October of 1997
Some More Compliance Assistance
for MSHA's Regulations on Diesel-Powered Equipment
Technical Papers
Diesel Related