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Coal Mine Safety and Health (Only)

PH89-V-1(23) Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures - Chapter 1 - Respirable Dust
PH89-V-1(15) Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures - Chapter 3 - Noise
PH89-V-1 Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures - Chapter 5 - Diesel Exhaust Gas Monitoring
PH89-V-1 Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures - Chapter 6 - Health Forms
PH89-V-1 Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures - Chapter 9 - Polyurethane Foam
PH92-V-6 Mine Ventilation Plan and Approval Procedures
PH93-V-7 Electrical Inspection Procedures Handbook

PH09-V-1 Uniform Mine File Procedures Handbook
PH07-V-1(1) Coal Mine Impoundment Inspection And Plan Review Handbook
PH08-V-1 Coal General Inspection Procedures Handbook and Inspection Tracking System
PH-08-V-2 Carbon Monoxide And Atmospheric Monitoring Systems Inspection Procedures

Metal/Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health (Only)

PH06-IV-1(1) Metal And Nonmetal Health Inspection Procedures
PH09-IV-1 General Inspection Procedures

Coal, Metal/Nonmetal and Technical Support

PH99-I-4 Haul Road Inspection Handbook

PH01-I-6 Dump Point Safety
PH02-I-8 Hazard Complaint Procedures Handbook
PH05-I-4 Special Investigations Procedures

PH08-I-1 Citation and Order Writing Handbook for Coal Mines and Metal/Nonmetal Mines
PH08-I-2 Petitions for Modification
PH11-I-1 Accident/Illness Investigations Procedures

Education Policy and Development

PH03-III-1 Education and Training Procedures

Technical Support

PH09-II-1 Anemometer Calibration Procedures

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