Jan 2, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02) issued the following statement regarding last night’s passage of the Senate Amendments to HR 8, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. The resolution passed 257 to 187; Congressman Bishop voted in favor of passage.

“While this legislation isn’t perfect, in any compromise neither side gets everything that it wants,” said Congressman Bishop. “Frankly, I would have preferred a “grand bargain” reducing the deficit, averting the sequester, and strengthening our economy over the long-term but last night’s agreement is an important first step toward putting our fiscal house in order.”

Continued Bishop, “The bill prevents taxes from going up on 98% of American families including the middle class and the poor; it continues unemployment benefits for over 2 million people who are out of work through no fault of their own and are actively searching for a job; it extends tax credits for 25 million working families and students; it prevents a 27% cut in fees for doctors who treat Medicare patients originally scheduled to take effect January 1st; and it provides some predictability going into the 2013 planting season for Georgia farmers by extending the farm bill for nine months.”

“In the upcoming weeks, Congress will have to come together on the debt ceiling, government spending, sequestration, tax reform, as well as controlling the growth in entitlements,” concluded Bishop. “Now, more than ever, it is vital that Congress puts our country ahead of partisanship and discharges its responsibilities to solve these urgent issues. The American people deserve no less.”

For a summary and additional information on Senate Amendments to HR 8, please click here.
