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Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.

Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
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  1. Was sworn in as congressman for the 113th Congress today. I am honored to serve the people of southwest Georgia, and am looking forward to a productive 2013!
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.See All
    • Keith Pillow
       Representative Bishop, On day one, a checklist. Please, anything you can do to help...
      Friday at 12:17pm
    • Marcia Killingsworth
       An ER doc has spoken out. As a leader of this country, won't you listen? "I have sworn an oath to heal and to protect humans. Guns, invented to maim and destroy, are my natural enemy."
      January 3 at 3:31pm
    • Jan Mashburn Rusin
      I am not happy with all the pork that was added to the Hurrican Sandy Bill. It should be just for them and not a bunch of other garbage added to it. It is ridiculous that the Hurr.Sandy bill was passed before everyone left. you know what Albany went thru after Alberto. Those people need help.
      January 2 at 5:00pm
    • Aaron Barringer
      OPPOSE any legislation that would restrict our Second Amendment rights!
      January 2 at 6:46am
    • Candace M Foster
      Fiscal cliff 'fix' is a load of bologna! I say let the normal people, the citizens of the working/middle class, be the ones to fix the fiscal cliff. We won't waste time, or more resources than have already been wasted. We won't try to vote in pay raises or cause further damage to hard working Americans trying to make ends meet. We are intelligent enough to see a temporary fix, such as this fiscal cliff band-aid, is just that... TEMPORARY and thus leaves the same 3 issues to be dealt with: Tax reform, Government spending, & National debt management and reconciliation. I wish I was in the 'ring' (congressional meeting rooms) to help them select a posse of typical citizens to speak up and organize and even FIX 99% of these issues for good.
      January 1 at 9:28pm
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  4. Regarding last night's vote on the fiscal cliff, while this legislation isn't perfect, in any compromise neither side gets everything that it wants. Frankly, I would have preferred a “grand bargain” reducing the deficit, averting the sequester, and strengthening our economy over the long-term but last night’s agreement is an important first step toward putting our fiscal house in order. Click here to read my full statement:
  5. Senator Daniel K. Inouye served his nation with distinction, always fighting for our men and women in uniform, for his much beloved home state of Hawaii, and for our entire nation. His powerful legacy of service and leadership in the Senate will be missed.
  6. Was proud to present a $20,000 check to the House of Mercy charity in Columbus Georgia this morning. A yearly donation, this year’s money was raised at the 25th annual Black History Breakfast in February.
    Photo: Was proud to present a $20,000 check to the House of Mercy charity in Columbus Georgia this morning. A yearly donation, this year’s money was raised at the 25th annual Black History Breakfast in February.
  7. I am deeply saddened to hear the news of today’s senseless shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. My heart goes out to the students, faculty, and families at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Please keep the victims in your prayers as their community copes with the aftermath of this terrible tragedy.
  8. Managing our national debt and bringing our nation back to a balanced budget are the most important issues we face in Congress today. I am proud to have stood with the Blue Dog Democrats Coalition on the bipartisan H.R. 4053, Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act (IPERIA). Today’s passage is a great step towards working together to find progress for the future.
  9. Signed onto a letter urging House Leadership to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act before the end of the 112th Congress. A strong bipartisan bill is needed to ensure that women, children, and families all across the United States are protected from domestic violence.
  10. Spent the morning conferencing with members of the sponsoring Columbus Chamber of Commerce, community leaders, and US Army Fort Benning discussing the fiscal cliff, sequestration, and BRAC issues at the National Infantry Museum
    Photo: Spent the morning conferencing with members of the sponsoring Columbus Chamber of Commerce, community leaders, and US Army Fort Benning discussing the fiscal cliff, sequestration, and BRAC issues at the National Infantry Museum

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