Contact: Jill D. Brett (202) 707-2905

May 13, 1997

Former Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun Gives Papers to Library of Congress

Justice Harry A. Blackmun has given a collection of his personal papers to the Library of Congress. This extensive collection should strengthen the capacity of future scholars to examine how the Supreme Court has dealt with some of the most important legal issues of our time.

Justice Blackmun's papers will join those of 38 other justices and chief justices in the Library of Congress. Because an individual's papers can best yield their riches when studied in conjunction with other related collections, Justice Blackmun's decision to place his papers in the Library of Congress should greatly facilitate historical research.

Librarian of Congress James H. Billington stated, "The papers of the justices are among our most treasured collections. Our holdings will be considerably enhanced by the Blackmun papers. We are honored that Justice Blackmun has placed his trust in the Library."

Justice Blackmun stated: "I am pleased that my papers will find a home in a library that also houses the papers of many other justices, going back to the earliest days of the Supreme Court. Although my work is only a small part of the court's history, I am hopeful that scholars and others will find my papers somewhat useful as they study the pertinent events of the past quarter-century."

Plans for the transfer and processing of the Blackmun papers are currently under way. Among other conditions, access to the papers is restricted until five years after Justice Blackmun's death. Further information is available from the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress at (202) 707-5383.

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PR 97-78
ISSN 0731-3527

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