Health and Aging

Featured Health Topic: Women's Health

Two women talking while seated on a park benchFor both men and women growing older can be a time of change–perhaps shifting family responsibilities, retirement, or a career change leads to some time for taking a class, volunteering, traveling, or starting a new hobby. But as women age, along with new opportunities, they often face a variety of health-related issues. Some, like menopause, are a natural part of life. Some, like heart disease or diabetes, might be related to lifestyle or family medical history. And others, like caregiving, may be unexpected. Learning about these issues will help you to be prepared to maintain your health with age.

The National Institute on Aging at NIH has a wide variety of useful, evidence-based resources. You can also find out more information about participating in clinical studies. You might want to look at the Healthy Aging and Longevity featured health topic to find additional resources. Being informed is a good way to start taking control of how you age.

Featured Research

Researchers reviewing test results on a computer screenThe Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) is the first large-scale national study to examine the health of women in their 40s and 50s. Scientists are exploring physical, biological, social, and psychological changes in women during mid-life with interest in five racial/ethnic groups—Hispanic, Japanese-American, Chinese-American, African-American, and Caucasian. Learn more about SWAN »

More Research on Women's Health