Health and Aging

A-Z Health Topics Index

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  25. Y
  26. Z


  • Medicines: Use Them Safely
    When Jerry, age 71, came home from the drug store with his latest prescription, he placed all his pill bottles on the kitchen counter and counted them. “I take five different medications, and you take four,” he said to his wife. “We need a system. We need to know what medicines we have, what they’re for, and when we should take them.”
  • Osteoporosis: The Bone Thief
    Helen grew up on a farm in the Midwest. She drank lots of milk as a child. She also walked a lot. After graduating from high school, she got married and found a job. Family and work, she said, kept her too busy to exercise. Helen went through menopause at age 47. At 76, she was enjoying retirement—traveling and working in her garden. But then she slipped on a small rug in her kitchen and broke her hip. After Helen recovered, she needed a cane to walk, and gardening was a lot harder to enjoy.
  • Pain: You Can Get Help
    Phyllis loves playing with her grandchildren, working in the garden, and going to twice-weekly Bingo games. But, at age 76, the constant pain she feels in her knees from osteoarthritis (joint disease) is starting to take a toll. It is also starting to keep her awake at night, leaving her feeling groggy and tired the next day. Sometimes, the pain stops her from doing the things she likes. As time goes by, Phyllis feels more and more miserable and depressed, but doesn't know what she can do about it.
  • Safe Use of Medicines
    Take Your Medicine the Right Way—Each Day! This 13-page booklet has personal stories, answers to common questions, and practical tips to help older people take their medicines safely.