Health and Aging

A-Z Health Topics Index

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Assistive Devices

  • Hearing Loss
    Hearing loss can affect your life in many ways. It can range from missing certain sounds to total loss of hearing. Hearing loss can be serious. You may not hear the sound of your smoke detector alerting you to a fire. You may miss out on talks with friends or family. Hearing problems can make you feel anxious, upset, and left out. It's easy to withdraw from people when you can't follow what is being said at the dinner table or in a restaurant. Friends and family may think you're confused, uncaring, or difficult when you're really having trouble hearing.
  • There's No Place Like Home - For Growing Old
    “The stairs are getting so hard to climb.”“Since my wife died, I just open a can of soup for dinner.”“I’ve lived here 40 years. No other place will seem like home.” These are common issues for older people. And, you may share the often-heard wish—“I want to stay in my own home!” The good news is that with the right help you might be able to do just that.