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Organizers stage dress rehearsal for Obama’s second inauguration

Alexandra Jaffe - 01/13/13 04:53 PM ET

Organizers held a walkthrough of the inauguration ceremony and parade on Sunday, making final preparations before the actual event.…
‘An unfortunate deficit of trust’ depicted in McChrystal’s memoir

Carlo Muñoz - 01/08/13 07:29 PM ET

In his recently released memoir, My Share of the Task, former Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal paints a stark picture of…
Actress Heather Matarazzo wants to see all non-redacted files on UFOs

Robin Bronk - 01/08/13 07:22 PM ET

Actress Heather Matarazzo has been captivating movie-going and television audiences for almost two decades.…
Kids steal the show from lawmakers on opening day of 113th Congress

Emily Goodin - 01/03/13 06:01 PM ET

The Capitol resembled the first day of school as some members' children overshadowed their parents at swearing-in ceremonies.…
Sen. Kirk returns to Senate after year-long recovery from stroke

Emily Goodin - 01/03/13 12:28 PM ET

Kirk, who had a stroke in January 2012, walked up the Capitol steps with the help of Vice President Biden.…
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