News & Observer | | Letters


Recent letters to the editor:

The other Iranians

Although it is popular and news-making to accuse Iran's election of being rigged, little is said about the actual breakdown of party support, the red and blue states of Iran.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Larger laughs, please

My husband and I are senior citizens and enjoy the Sunday comics very much, but recently we have not been able to enjoy them because they have gotten too small to read. If you must, eliminate some so the others are readable.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Alcoa no owner

In November 1957, Alcoa signed a 50-year agreement with the Federal Power Commission indicating that the Yadkin River Hydroelectric Project could be "recaptured at the end of the license term" and that Alcoa should "not rely on any assured source of power supply after the expiration of its license for the Yadkin Project." Yet, Alcoa continues to misinform the public by claiming ownership over our public trust waters -- the Yadkin River.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Tax double talk

While I have great respect for state Rep. Deborah Ross, her comment in your June 10 paper relative to the House's plans to increase taxes is disturbing at best. She says: "We need to ask people who can help others [by paying additional taxes] ...

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Taxed to tipple

Our legislators have hiked the tax on distilled spirits six times since 1995 while beer and wine taxes have remained the same. As an alcohol educator and researcher, this tax policy makes absolutely no sense to me.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Those state cuts

A quick lesson in economics for all who are crying foul at tax or revenue increases to maintain services and education in North Carolina.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Hard-working faculty

Countering the broad-brush commentary describing the pampered few at N.C. State University: Most faculty at State don't deserve such criticism.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story

Shipped out

It disturbed me to read about alleged abuse of a Sunnybrook Healthcare and Rehabilitation resident ("Abuse claims hard to verify if the injured can't speak," June 3).

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 6:19 PM | Full story


When signing the credit card reform bill into law, President Barack Obama cautioned shoppers to act responsibly.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 6:20 PM | Full story

Cool to executions

A June 16 letter-writer used the Eve Carson case to support his assertion that crime victims' family members would find it heartwarming if executions were to begin again in North Carolina and that resuming executions would reduce the number of murders in our state.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 6:20 PM | Full story

Tax tobacco to death

To avoid drastic cuts in needed programs, the state House is proposing to increase sales and income taxes. These are the two worst taxes that can be increased during a recession, unless their overall goal is to make things worse.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 4:16 PM | Full story

Scrap the project

I'm a rising senior at Sanderson High. I think that the graduation project is extremely unnecessary. A lot of kids are having enough trouble getting through high school already, and there is enough stress on us as it is.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 6:20 PM | Full story

Franklin's access

Thank you for your recent coverage of the remembrance service for John Hope Franklin in Duke Chapel. I watched the event on television, and was moved by the many stories of his service to historical scholarship and to his fellow man.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 4:16 PM | Full story

Hookah expectations

There have been a few letters recently stating that hookah bars should remain included in the recent anti-smoking law. I am not a smoker and believe smoking is a horrible and disgusting habit for many reasons.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 6:20 PM | Full story

The state's pay lag

Regarding the June 14 article on state employee perks: For state staff not subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act, the ability to accrue or use comp time must be approved in advance by the supervisor.

Updated: Jun. 18, 2009 7:02 AM | Full story

Cuts that hurt

As a supporter of Wake County Commissioner Lindy Brown in the past, and as one who spoke and asked that the Board of Commissioners do something to prevent further cuts in human services, I am very disappointed in Brown's comments and her vote on the county budget.

Updated: Jun. 17, 2009 6:20 PM | Full story

Educational freedom

After reading Rick Martinez's column "Cushy deals at the top" June 10, I have a one-word comment: Amen. It appears the members of the education profession are proceeding nicely down the same path the UAW took its sacred cow industry.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Hung up on 9, 1

A particular problem that results in many 911 hang-ups was never mentioned in the June 13 Triangle Trouble Shooters article. In many corporate environments you are required to dial 9 to get an outside line.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Preferred drug list causes problems, yields little cost saving

Your June 10 article "Clout keeps generics out" overlooked a crucial point: Use of a preferred drug list (PDL) does not work.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Shift the squadrons

Thank you for your June 12 editorial "N.A.S. Cherry Point?" Northeastern North Carolina is patriotic and military-friendly. But we recognize injustice when we see it.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

When they walked

This time of year marks the completion of a milestone for most, a time when they realize the reward that comes with the fruits of their labor. I was at a graduation this past weekend, one larger than my own by many multiples.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Better to barter

Regarding the June 14 article "Market outlaws wholesale bartering": State Farmers Market manager Ronnie Best looks to me to have a sure and bright future in the new anti-capitalism, totalitarian government of the present.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Pay and budgets

Thanks for your article about state employees' benefits and the effect on the state budget. I think our legislature has to consider these hidden costs when enacting our budget.

Updated: Jun. 16, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Ill-mannered audience

I attended the Knightdale High School graduation ceremony on June 13. I was embarrassed by the whole procedure. People were dressed in shorts, hats, ragged jeans and sunglasses, clothes not fitting for the occasion.

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Come back, Channels

Your new replacement for the TV guide, Channels, leaves a lot to be desired. The conversion chart covers only three cities. Channels covered 15 cities.

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Just the listings

With print newspapers losing readers to online editions, is this the right time to introduce a TV Guide-like magazine?

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Generics' downside

Opinion belongs on the editorial pages. To that end, editors should have ensured more, or even some, balance in the June 10 article "Clout keeps generics out."

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Do the dew

I can't imagine why you removed the dew point forecast from your weather page. Dew point temperature amounts to a direct measure of moisture in the air, while humidity is temperature-dependent and changes throughout the day.

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

Total pay still lags

The N&O's lead story on June 14 ("Piled-up perks carry hidden costs") is an example of journalism that tries to lend clarity to an issue, but doesn't.

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story


The news that lethal injections to enforce the death penalty may soon begin is heartwarming to not only myself but to families of victims who have been mercilessly killed, e.g. Eve Carson.

Updated: Jun. 15, 2009 5:36 PM | Full story

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