Alan Nunnelee

Alan Nunnelee


Proudly Serving Mississippi's 1st District

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  1. I was shocked by the tragedy in Newtown & hoped the President's plan would help find common ground. That didn't happen.

  2. I support the 2nd Amendment because I believe a free people must be guaranteed the right to defend themselves

  3. Unlike the President, I do not support restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding gun owners.

  4. However, when the House defeated the spending cuts amendment and added an additional $33 billion, I could not support the measure.

  5. Yesterday, I voted for $17 billion in disaster aid for immediately needed assistance, and voted to cut spending elsewhere in our budget...

  6. Disaster aid, like all spending, isn't free, we either pay for it now or pay later with interest; I think we should have paid for it now.

  7. I support disaster aid. I voted against H.R. 152 because I oppose the broken system that led to $50 billion in spending w no offsets.

  8. Hypocrisy defined: As a Senator, Barack Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling.

  9. I find raising the debt ceiling with no spending cuts very unreasonable. RT if you agree.

  10. President says we should raise the debt ceiling & no spending cuts. He stated that “nobody finds my position unreasonable.” Do you agree?

  11. "At one point several weeks ago," Mr. Boehner says, "the president said to me, 'We don't have a spending problem.' "

  12. At a time when we are borrowing 4 billion dollars every day, tough choices must be made and spending must be cut:


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