Steny Hoyer

Steny Hoyer


The Democratic Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Maryland's 5th Congressional District.

Washington, DC ·

Not reaching an agreement to fiscal cliff is not an option – Congress must work together to get this done to give certainty to families.

This day in 2011, the Supercommittee said they could not reach an agreement. RT if you think we need a balanced solution to fiscal cliff.

لوڈنگ میں وقت لگ رہا ہے.

ٹوئٹر وقتی فنی خرابی یا زیادہ لوڈ کا شکار ہے. دوبارہ کوشش کریں یا ٹوئٹر سٹیٹس سے مزید معلومات حاصل کریں.