No Budget? No Pay!

50,998 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

No Budget? No Pay!

Email your lawmakers and urge them to sign-on in support of the No Budget, No Pay Act.

Congress has only passed a budget and all spending bills necessary to fund the government four times in the past 60 years. Congress has the lowest public approval rating in history. It all comes down to a simple fact: Congress is not doing its job – and the most basic job Congress has is deciding how much money the government takes in and how much it spends.

If Congress can't make spending and budget decisions on time, then lawmakers should not get paid.

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If I don't do my job - I don't get paid - why should we pay the Congressman that WE THE PEOPLE hired.....if they don't do their job!!!!!!
Elected officials need to remember they work for the voters...not the other way around. If they are not doing their job, they should not be paid. It's taking money on false pretenses!
'We the People' have had to cut back on our budgets the past couple of years, follow our lead Congress!
Work together and get it done. Stop posturing.
Just Do IT !
Let's make it a balanced budget. And if you are going to tack another bill onto it, make it a bill to repeal Citizens United!
US as Citizens of The United States HAVE to work to get paid, IF WE don't work and do our jobs we DON'T get PAID!! We get FIRED!!!
we have to do budgets in our household to make ends meet congress does to if they can't do there job then they don't get paid bottom line!!!!