
Congresswoman Jenkins Addresses House GOP Plan to Solve Washington's Spending Crisis



WASHINGTON — Today Congresswoman Jenkins released the following statement on how Congress can solve Washington’s spending crisis and put the nation on a path toward a balanced budget:

“Before Congress raises the debt ceiling, our number one priority should be passing a budget that cuts spending. Next week, the House will consider legislation to temporarily raise the debt ceiling for three months, and set the stage for a larger debate about spending. The bill will require the House and Senate each to pass a budget, otherwise their salaries will be withheld. The principle is simple: no budget, no pay. It is our hope this bill will obligate the Senate to finally join the House in confronting the government's spending problem together.

“With the implementation of their healthcare law and the fiscal cliff deal, the president and Senate Democrats have gotten the tax increases they demanded. It is now time for them to admit that our record deficits have been caused by Washington’s lack of fiscal discipline. The last budget the president proposed offered no plan to move the federal budget toward balance and it received zero votes from either party, while the Senate has not passed a budget in nearly four years. The House is the only chamber that has done its job the last two years, and beginning today, Republicans will hold the president and his Senate accountable for their failure in leadership on the most basic principle of governing.

“By refusing to address Washington’s spending crisis, the president and Senate Democrats are putting the full faith and credit of the American people at risk, and inviting another national credit downgrade. We must do everything we can to protect America’s hardworking families and the futures of our children and grandchildren.”
