Archives / Posted in / 2011 / May / 16th (11 items)
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Figure 4: Percent of Federally Assigned Spectrum Located in Various Ranges

Figure 4: Percent of Federally...

Figure 3: Federal Agencies with the Most Spectrum Assignments

Figure 3: Federal Agencies with...

Figure 1: Examples of Allocated Spectrum Uses, and Federal Spectrum Use in the High-Value Range

Figure 1: Examples of Allocated...

Figure 10: International and U.S. Commitments and Actions to Address Food Security and Nutrition, 1996 through 2015

Figure 10: International and...

Figure 8: Loading of U.S. Food Aid Commodities at Jacintoport, Texas

Figure 8: Loading of U.S. Food...

Figure 7: Examples of Vegetable Oil and CSB Packaging Problems

Figure 7: Examples of Vegetable...

Figure 2: GM Share Price for November 18, 2010, through April 26, 2011, and the Pre- and Post-IPO GM Share Price Needed to Fully Recoup Treasury's Investment

Figure 2: GM Share Price for...

Figure 1: Current Storage Sites for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel and Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository Site

Figure 1: Current Storage Sites...

Figure 1: Number of Nursing Home Complaints Reported by Each State Survey Agency per 1,000 Nursing Home Residents, 2009

Figure 1: Number of Nursing Home...

Figure 5: Percentages of Agents Who Reported Having Disagreements with Another Component over Roles and Responsibilities over the Past 5 Years, by City

Figure 5: Percentages of Agents...

Figure 1: Jurisdictions Shared by DOJ Agencies

Figure 1: Jurisdictions Shared...