
Weekly Republican Address 1/5/13: Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI)

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Published on Jan 4, 2013

Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) delivered this week's address, discussing the House's recent action to permanently extend current tax rates for 98% of Americans. It's now House Republicans' focus in the 113th Congress to cut out-of-control spending to reduce our crippling debt, and reform our tax code.

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  • John Lloyd Scharf

    Instead of the 18% of our Gross Domestic Product [GDP], which we can afford, our government is now spending 25% our our GDP. We just cannot afford the government's conspicuous consumption, no matter how well meaning any program seems to those who want to authorize. There is no free lunch. A tax of any group turns into inflation for all. We need an immediate cut back to 20% of GDP and then freeze spending until we are at 18% of GDP.


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  • nonya bidness

    If government spending had to ebb and flow with the economy they would be more representative and more one of us. Government can't insulate itself from the rest of us. It's unnatural, unrealistic and unbalanced. The proof is at usdebtclock.


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  • whnewhouse

    Did Rep. Dave Camp write this address? I am just curious what the editorial process is for these weekly addresses.

    Also, if 16 trillion in debt is so bad, what is the acceptable amount?

    And I think that it is poor planning period to say that once you've spent all your cash and "maxed out your credit cards" that NOW is the time to stop spending. That's not sound personal or govt policy.


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  • Chandler Trotter

    You guys only hold about 1/6 of the government. The reason why we have deficits is because we no jobs and you fail to mention that the majority of the debt is own by US itself. Will you cut the pork in your district, how about the defense budget? Or will you create jobs instead of cutting jobs with the notion of not paying the bills you in congress already have.


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  • SuperIrishAmerican

    How did the two major Bills that were passed this week help when THEY WERE BOTH PACKED WITH PORK ? Please tell me how that was responsible ?


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