U.S. Congressman Dave Camp | In The News
Highlights from the House | January 18, 2013
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U.S. Congressman Dave Camp
Camp Sworn-In to the 113th Congress
 Camp at the swearing-in ceremony with members of his family.
On January 3, Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) was sworn-in to the 113th Congress.  Speaker Boehner conducted a ceremonial swearing-in for Camp after the oath of office was administered on the floor of the House of Representatives.   

Following the swearing-in Camp stated, “I am honored the residents of Michigan’s Fourth Congressional District chose me to serve as their U.S. Representative.  As the 113th Congress begins, I remain focused on giving Michigan families and small businesses the economic certainty they need.  Critical to that is spurring  job creation through comprehensive tax reform and getting Washington's spending under control so we can get back to a balanced budget.”
Camp Votes for Permanent Lower Tax Rates
On January 5, 2013 Camp delivered the weekly GOP address and discussed H.R. 8 and the need for comprehensive tax reform.  Click here to watch the full video.   
Earlier this month, Camp voted to avert the fiscal cliff and permanently lower tax rates for 99% of Americans.  The legislation, H.R. 8, the “Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012,” provides permanent tax relief for working families and small businesses.  Though this is a step in the right direction, the tax code remains a nightmare and there is still much work left to be done to make it simpler and fairer for families and job creators.  America needs pro-growth tax reform and Washington needs to do much more to reign-in out of control government spending.  

Following the vote Camp said, “Over a decade ago, Republicans acted to provide working Americans with substantial tax relief.  That tax relief included lower tax rates, an enhanced child tax credit and relief from the marriage penalty, just to name a few provisions.  Today, we have acted to make those tax cuts permanent – protecting middle-class Americans from the higher tax rates that were in place when President Bill Clinton occupied the White House.  Now that we have prevented a Democrat tax increase, the Ways and Means Committee will lead the effort to reform our tax code to make it simpler and fairer for families and small businesses, while also making American businesses and workers more competitive in the global marketplace.  

“With the revenue piece settled, Washington must now turn to solving the rest of the fiscal cliff – the out of control spending that has led to record debt and deficits under President Obama.
January Constituent Hours
Each month, Camp’s regional representatives hold office hours in counties across the Fourth District.  Constituents who have questions or need assistance with a federal agency are invited to attend and do not need to make an appointment.  Because the Fourth District has changed due to redistricting, new office hour locations have been added.  To read the full list of office hour times and locations click here.
Connect with Congressman Camp online:
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TOLL FREE IN MICHIGAN: 1-800-342-2455
Midland District Office
135 Ashman Drive
Midland, Michigan 48640
Phone: 989-631-2552
Fax: 989-631-6271
Cadillac Office
112 Spruce Street, Suite A
Cadillac, Michigan 49601
Phone: 231-876-9205
Fax: 231-876-9252
Washington D.C. Office
341 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202-225-3561
Fax: 202-225-9679

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