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Today I was honored to sit down and get to know Ms. Wanda Sanders, a woman who exemplifies the very best of California’s 37th Congressional District. She is the winner of an essay contest my office oversaw to award tickets to President Obama’s Inauguration.

Ms. Sanders was born in 1932 and at 80 years old, she still continues to inspire all who have gotten the opportunity to know her as I did t...his week. As a young girl, Ms. Sanders can remember being hoisted on her father’s shoulders to watch President Roosevelt as he traveled through Flint Michigan. She campaigned hard for President Obama’s campaign in both 2008 and 2012, remarking during the President’s first election “when his ultimate victory was announced that evening, my heart swelled with joy. I went home that evening convinced that America had finally fulfilled Martin Luther King’s dream.”

I had a great time meeting with Ms. Sanders and her family and look forward to having them join me in watching President Obama be sworn into office for a second term this Monday.
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