Effects of QE3 in the Housing Market

In yet another attempt at jump starting the economy, the Federal Reserve’s latest major stimulus action, known as QE3, is likely to have less effect on the housing market than Fed Chairman Ben Bernake would hope.

QE3, shorthand for the third “quantitative… Continue reading

My Thoughts on the Presidential Election or How Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Cured My Interest in Politics

I must be the most ill-informed political blogger there is out there right now, at least when it comes to current events. Oh how things change… where I once had my finger on the pulse of the political zeitgeist, here… Continue reading

Presidential Debate from a European Perspective

The letter from the German authorities caught my attention. Mostly because it was asking for a bunch of money, but also because of what was going on back home in the U.S.

The letter was to inform me that, because… Continue reading

New Book! Confessions of Amateur Intellectuals… Only $0.99, Buy it Today!

Ryan and I are back at it. Ryan Swift, the writer of An Economic Zeitgeist and myself, author of Economic Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics have teamed up to put together another book for your reading pleasure: Confessions of Amateur… Continue reading

The Visual Representation of Our Very Slow Recovery

Russ Roberts, who hosts the brilliant EconTalk, talks with John Taylor about the extremely slow recovery to our current recession and how that doesn’t match up with previous recessions. Previous recessions and recoveries have been either deep and brisk… Continue reading

The Lost Graduation by David Vranicar: review

When David Vranicar sent me an email requesting I review his new book, The Lost Graduation, it didn’t take a lot of hair pulling. You see, David is a 2008 college graduate from Regis University in Denver. I am… Continue reading

It Turns Out that Government Has Been Fixing Health Care For a Long Time

I came across a fantastic article a while back by Roderick T. Long titled “How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis: Medical Insurance that Worked - Until Government “Fixed” It.”

As it begins:

Today, we are constantly being told,… Continue reading

SNL Sums up the Presidential Election

Saturday Night Live once again sums up the Presidential election better than I ever could:

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Let’s Ban Profits: Peter Schiff Has Fun with the DNC

Sorry if I’m late with this one, but it’s still worth it. And you thought only Republicans said stupid things:


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Creepy Democratic National Convention Video: “The Government is the Only Thing We All Belong To”

…The government is your friend, like your government, it’s here to help you, we all belong to it, it owns us, but is friendly so don’t worry.

I always find it funny when Democrats make fun of Republicans for being… Continue reading

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