Mayor's 24 Hour Constituent Service

Connecting residents to city services: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Make a Service Request


Mayor Menino's 24 Hour Constituent Service Office allows you to submit service requests and issues online. 
View Complete List of Online Services » 

By Phone

If you prefer to make a request anonymously, please do so by calling 617-635-4500. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your calls.

 Using our Mobile App

The Citizens Connect mobile app, which works on Android and iPhones, helps constituents easily report potholes, graffiti, and other service issues.
More on Citizens Connect Mobile App »

Sending a Text

Send us an SMS text message (REPORT or REPORTAJE) from your cellphone to 617-505-1898 to report an issue.
More on Texting with Citizens Connect »

 Via Twitter

Tweet a service request to Citizens Connect, using hashtags like #graffiti or #sign to categorize your service type.
More on Tweeting Citizens Connect »

 In Person

To speak with someone from the Mayor's Office of Constituent Service in person, please come to the Mayor's Office on the 5th Floor of City Hall between 9:00AM - 5:00PM on weekdays. If you would like to speak to someone outside of those hours or on weekends, you can call 617-635-4500.
Directions to City Hall »

Track Your Request

Once you have successfully submitted your request, you will receive an email with a tracking number that you can use to monitor your request.
Track My Request »

Difficulties Submitting a Request?

Please call the Mayor's 24 Hour Constituent Services line at 617-635-4500 to submit your request and inform the staff of your difficulties with this online service.


  • Attention!

    If you have a public safety emergency, please do not use this form; instead dial 911 or 617-343-4911.

  • Boston Named a 2011-2013 Citizen Engaged Community

    Created by PTI, the Citizen-Engaged Communities Designation program recognizes excellence in multi-channel contact centers and best practices for the use of Citizen Relationship/Records Management (CRM) systems, 311 services, web portal technology, telephony systems and mobile communications infrastructure. PTI recognized Boston's commitment to citizen engagement and use of new technologies in its engagement programs.

    Read Release

  • PTI Technology Solutions Award - Citizens Connect Live

    Citizens Connect Live is an online chat platform which allows constituents to chat online with operators staffed by the Mayor's Office of Constituent Service. Currently available during normal business hours, Citizens Connect Live operators are available to answer questions about city services or direct users to online services or web resources.

    Read Release

    2011-12 Technology Solution Awards

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