
Police Chief Scott Knight explains what is -- and is not -- fear

NancyPelosiNancyPelosi·2,160 videos
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Published on Jan 16, 2013

January 16, 2013

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  • Rob Doar

    Looks like Chief Knight promoted himself to 4 star now.


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  • vickybasham

    Wrong youll find any excuse to take away our guns that protect us, even from you.. You deer this up (FALSE FLAG)!! No one gets my guns. Your not going to make suffer for what someone sick crime!!! GO TO HELL!!!!!


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  • daveyork0

    Proof that there is some Awesome that does not originate from NP


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  • prodennisONE

    How do u text a fart sound.


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  • crocodylus73

    Way to go, Chief Knight!


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