Rep Ed Perlmutter

Rep Ed Perlmutter


Member of US House of Representatives

Washington DC, 7th District of ·

  1. Monday, January 21 is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. This federal holiday is observed annually on...

  2. Small, nonfarm businesses in 43 Colorado counties are eligible to apply for low-interest federal disaster loans...

  3. I'm frustrated and angry House Republican leaders once again are bringing our country to the brink because of...

  4. Repub Plan B RAISES taxes on most Americans and doesn't cut spending. We need Plan A and responsible balance bw...

  5. Today, I announced plans to introduce the a new, improved Assault Weapons Ban with Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY)...

  6. Today, I made a speech on the floor of the House urging Republican House Leadership to promptly allow a vote to...

  7. Don't forget - this Saturday is my annual District Office Open House from Noon-2pm. I hope you can stop by to...

  8. Today I urged Washington Republicans to put politics aside and vote to extend middle class tax cuts to avoid the...

  9. The Capitol Christmas Tree arrived from Colorado this morning! The tradition of the Capitol Christmas Tree, or...

  10. The Capitol Christmas Tree arrived from Colorado this morning! The tradition of the Capitol Christmas Tree, or...

  11. On this Veterans' Day, I want to say thank you to all of our veterans for their courage and service to our country.

  12. Veterans Day is an American federal holiday honoring military veterans. It is also a holiday in many countries...

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