Photo Credit: (left) Pacific McGeorge School of Law (right) University of Kentucky College of Law

LSSSE Annual Results Released (January 2013)

LSSSE's Annual Results explore four themes this year, drawing on data gathered in 2012 from 25,901 students at 81 law schools:

  • The consistency of law students' satisfaction, despite the significant challenges in the job market for new law graduates (Director's Message)
  • Student-faculty interaction and the role of interaction in students' sense of their development in law school (Investigating Student-Faculty Interaction)
  • Interaction with law school classmates and its effect on law students (Connecting with Classmates)
  • An analysis of the variation among different experiential learning activities (Examining Experiential Learning).
The report is introduced by Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine School of Law