Rep. Speier to Serve as Vice Chair of Gun Violence Prevention Task Force


WASHINGTON, DC - Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) will serve as a Vice Chair of a new congressional Gun Violence Prevention Task Force led by Congressman Mike Thompson (D-Napa). The task force will investigate new steps Congress can take now and in the future to reduce gun violence and prevent massacres like the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

“We can turn the corner on gun violence with bold leadership and action. The victims of Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, Virginia Tech and Tucson deserve no less. It is time for Congress to enact common sense violence prevention laws that keep assault weapons and high capacity assault magazines out of our communities and require full background checks on all gun purchases,” said Speier.

She continued, “It’s important to note that every day brings the equivalent of a mass murder when 33 people are killed in this country at the hands of guns. Enough is enough. It’s time to put public safety and public health first.” 

Over the next month the task force will hold a number of meetings and hearings with different experts designed to identify the best policies to reduce and prevent gun violence. A comprehensive set of policy proposals will be released by the task force in early February.

Congresswoman Speier was Legislative Counsel to Congressman Leo Ryan in 1978 when she accompanied him to investigate the People’s Temple cult in Jonestown, Guyana. Congressman Ryan was assassinated, and Speier was shot five times at close range. She still carries two of the bullets in her body. Since that time, she has been a consistent advocate of gun control, and carried assault weapons ban legislation in California twenty years ago.
