Jackie Speier

Jackie Speier


represents California's 14th Congressional District. House Armed Services Committee, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


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  1. In addition to supporting President's plan, I will introduce my own legislation to reduce & prevent gun crime in the US

  2. We must make sure that everyone who purchases a gun undergoes a rigorous background check.

  3. We must keep assault weapons & high capacity magazines away from criminals & those with criminal intentions.

  4. I'll do everything in my power to see that Congress passes effective gun responsibility laws. Failure is not an option.

  5. No excuses for inaction on gun violence. Americans support responsible gun ownershp & responsible gun dealers. My op-ed

  6. Saddened about another school shooting today, luckily no one was killed. A teacher talked the gunman down…without a gun. That's courage.

  7. Kudos for Oscar-nominated The Invisible War. Powerful documentary abt epidemic of rape & sexual assault in the military

  8. I'll be talking about gun violence prevention on today at 1:30pm ET / 10:30am PT with Andrea Mitchell

  9. Outrageous Wall Street conduct continues -- may sue taxpayers for unfavorable terms in the bail out

  10. founder Jeanne Manford passed away today. The mother of the straight ally movement will be missed, her legacy never forgotten

  11. Enough is enough. I stand w/ Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly who are ready to fight for common sense reforms to US gun laws

  12. Obama objected to protections for private sector employees who expose waste fraud & abuse. Disturbing.

  13. Will serve as a Vice Chair of a new congressional Gun Violence Prevention Task Force led by Congressman Mike Thompson


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