Post JFK assassination Air Force One Flight Deck Recording PDF Print E-mail
Written on Monday, 06 February 2012

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is providing public access to the newly discovered audio tape recording of conversations between various individuals in Washington and Air Force One pilots and officials on board during the flight from Dallas to Andrews Air Force Base following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

Available on FDsys, this digitized version of the two hour and twenty-two minute recording was donated to the National Archives by the Raab Collection. The tapes were found among other papers and memorabilia of Army Gen. Chester “Ted” Clifton, Jr., who served as senior military aide to President Kennedy. The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) provided the tapes to Gen. Clifton. The conversations were captured by WHCA, which routed all phone calls and radio traffic. The recording includes references to new code names and incidents, among them are:

  • A private conversation by head of the Secret Service Jerry Behn about the disposition of the President’s body.
  • An expanded conversation about how to remove the President's body from the plane and where to take it.
  • An urgent effort by an aide to Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay to reach General Clifton; and attempts to locate various Congressmen from Texas.

The digitized recording is being made available electronically to Federal depository libraries on FDsys, under:

  • Title: Post JFK assassination Air Force One flight deck recording
  • Class: AE 1.102:AS 7/2

  • Item Number: 0569-B-02

  • PURL: http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo18335
  • CGP System Number: 000864232

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