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Republicans worry they’ll lose the House to Dems if they botch fiscal talks

Republicans worry they’ll lose the House to Dems if they botch fiscal talks

Alexandra Jaffe 01/17/13 05:00 AM ET

Even as Republican officials maintain the GOP majority is safe, several lawmakers and longtime activists warn of far-reaching political ramifications.…

Obama gun-control push poses 2014 challenge for House Democrats

Dems with eyes on 2016 White House run talk gun control

Newark Mayor Booker ‘not ruling out’ run against Lautenberg

Lew nomination to Treasury highlights Obama's shift from finance to debt


Congressional Campaign

Republicans worry they’ll lose the House to Dems if they botch fiscal talks

Republicans worry they’ll lose the House to Dems if they botch fiscal talks

Alexandra Jaffe 01/17/13 05:00 AM ET

Even as Republican officials maintain the GOP majority is safe, several lawmakers and longtime activists warn of far-reaching political ramifications.

Newark Mayor Booker ‘not ruling out’ run against Lautenberg

GOP is faced with identity crisis

Campaigns use secretive ethics process as weapon against opponents

10 insiders with a lot riding on the result

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